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UK Civil Aviation Authority funds study showing feasibility of two-hour flight from Sydney to London

Dr. Ryan Anderton, CAA flight medical officer, said: Times “Physiological responses are likely to be benign for most passengers,” although older people are usually slightly “arterly stiff,” which may reduce blood retention from the brain.


“For the majority of people, even older people, it doesn’t necessarily cause problems, and it doesn’t hurt in the long run,” says Anderton.

“What we’re trying to do in our research is determine which people are more susceptible and how they should be tested.”

In this study, 24 healthy people between the ages of 32 and 80 were placed in a RAF centrifuge at Cranwell to replicate the G-forces they feel during the launch and descent of suborbital rocket and spaceplane flights.

Studies have shown that G-forces can reach four times normal Earth’s gravity for 20-30 seconds during ascent, and six times for 10-15 seconds during descent, or a peak of 6G.


These forces can cause a feeling of heaviness in the chest, make breathing more difficult, reduce oxygen uptake, affect heart rhythms and draw blood away from the brain, according to the paper. .

In this study, we observed an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, a decrease in blood oxygen, and some ‘greying out’ of peripheral vision during periods of high G-forces, which can quickly return to normal. got it.
One participant briefly lost consciousness, but had no lasting ill effects. The effect diminished when the chair was tilted slightly back.

Dr Ross Pollock of King’s College London said suborbital travelers could lose consciousness during takeoff and landing, but would be fine during flight.

“When you change the position of your chair, you change the direction the G’s go through your body.

“This forces blood to be swept away from the head and eyes to the legs. So these parts of the body don’t get enough oxygen, which can lead to changes in vision and loss of consciousness.”

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https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/sydney-to-london-in-two-hours-via-space-is-possible-uk-s-civil-aviation-authority-20230516-p5d8lt.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_world UK Civil Aviation Authority funds study showing feasibility of two-hour flight from Sydney to London

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