
Pearson pleads with Queenslanders to support ‘voice’

Indigenous leader Noel Pearson has called on fellow Queenslanders to support the now-filed Yes case, pointing to the precedent that Eddie Marbo made history in the state.

During a speech at the Queensland Media Club after the federal government passed legislation last month. approve a referendumPearson argued that 80 percent of Aboriginal Australians supported Voice and that white Australians should support Voice.

Indigenous leader Noel Pearson has called on Queenslanders to remember the spirit of change encouraged by Queenslander Eddie Marbo. Mabo’s grandson was in the room listening to the Tony Moore

“White people have to take responsibility for this,” said Mr Pearson, a lawyer who founded the Cape York Institute for Policy Leadership, at lunch in Brisbane.

“It’s your constitution, this is your nation, and your children’s future depends on it. Get it right,” Pearson said.

Referendum question:

Australian voters will be asked ‘yes’ or ‘no’ if they support the bill.

  • “Amend the Constitution to recognize Australia’s Indigenous Peoples by establishing a voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.”

If the referendum were passed by a majority of the states, the following language would be added to the Constitution:

“It recognizes the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Australia’s first peoples, stating:

  1. There will be an organization called Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voices.
  2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voices can speak to Congress and the Federal Executive on issues related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  3. The Parliament shall have the power to make laws in accordance with this Constitution on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voices, including their composition, functions, powers and procedures. ”

Source: 2023 Australian Government Referendum Questions.

Pearson said the poll results didn’t worry him. Queenslanders were starting to lose support for the referendum.

The event was also attended by Cape York Indigenous Council Mayors Keri Tamwoy and Wayne Butcher, and Pearson suggested the referendum was the “ultimate State of Origin.”

“I come to you as a Queenslander, and so do Keri and Wayne,” he said, noting that land rights activist Eddie Marbo had previously led a successful movement from the state. pointed out that there is

“Eddie Marvo was from Queensland. We want our own state to support us. We want our state to own us.” This is the ultimate country of origin, this referendum. Pearson pleads with Queenslanders to support ‘voice’

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