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Oversized Russian elephant garlic surprises Australian growers after discovery of dangerous ‘nest’

This photo perfectly captures a moment of surprise and joy that Yasmine and Adam Bonner will never forget.

A commercial grower of pesticide-free garlic has ripped through the overgrown grass to find a large gnarled “nest” of the giant Russian elephant garlic plant I’ve ever seen.

“I was amazed. The first thing I did was stand on it and look at it all,” Bonner said.

“If you are just as interested in growing garlic as we are, seeing such an amazing thing takes your breath away.”

Time to weigh garlic bulbs on giant Russian elephants.(Courtesy: Yasmine Bonner)

The Guinness World Record for heaviest garlic head was set in California in 1985 at 1.19 kilograms.

Four of Bonner’s giant bulbs with attached stems weighed 5.05 kg. They didn’t think to measure them separately.

The scale's on-screen digital display reads 5.05 kilograms.
The scale now totals 5.05kg.(Courtesy: Yasmine Bonner)

Technically speaking, Bonner’s giant garlic could not set a new world record.

Russian elephant garlic is not scientifically classified as garlic and is more closely related to chives.

“Because it’s funny [Russian elephant] It still tastes like garlic. It’s like garlic. It grows like garlic, but technically I say it’s a green onion,” Bonner said.

Large bulbs and stems above ground.
The garlic was growing just above the ground, hidden by the overgrown grass.(Courtesy: Yasmine Bonner)

However, details about the variety of garlic that set the Guinness World Record were not disclosed.

“So there’s a loophole. It could have technically been a leek too. Who knows? But you can get really big stuff.” [garlic] It’s a variety that’s also grown overseas,” Bonner said.

A man holds up two giant garlic chives and smiles.
Grower Adam Bonner was surprised by the size of the bulbs.(Courtesy: Yasmine Bonner)

long process

The large bulb may have been growing for six years from when the couple set up a garlic clinic in Brogo, Vega Valley, New South Wales.

“When I’m processing garlic in my shed, I dump the waste out the back door. Normally birds and cows eat it, but these were clearly inedible,” Bonner said.

The bulbs were left to thrive safely in uncut patches where farmers planted trees.

Garlic bulbs are large tangles above the ground, with small bulbs or bulbs of garlic growing out of them.
The garlic “nest” had bulbs, or pups, growing out of it.(Courtesy: Yasmine Bonner)

“I didn’t know they were nesting,” Bonner said. “I’ve never seen garlic nesting. There’s a lot of garlic and it’s very dense.” .

“Not one or two nests, but half a dozen.”

John Oliff, president of the Australian Garlic Industry Association, remains a garlic purist, saying that for many years “elephant garlic was considered a roadside weed”.

But seeds aside, Bonner sees beauty in mildly flavored, versatile bulbs and beautiful ornamental flowers.

Elephant garlic field with large round flowers on stems.
Elephant garlic flowers have a light honey scent.(Courtesy: Dougal Munro)

“I like to put it on crackers with a little butter, but in my opinion, other than using Russian elephant garlic in your cooking, it’s best to switch to black garlic,” Bonner said.

Black garlic is made by slow-cooking the bulbs at very low temperatures for three to four consecutive weeks.

“It caramelises the garlic and brings out the sweetness. It’s exquisite. It’s a beautiful thing to have. A culinary delight.”

We grow chemical-free Italian Pink, Italian White, Purple Stripe and Monaro Red Garlic, as well as Russian Elephant Garlic. They were introduced to Australia by the first Yugoslav tunnel excavators for the Snowy Mountains hydroelectric project.

Garlic phobias may object to couples who love to eat raw garlic, but Bonner doesn’t mind the potential effect on breath odor.

“We just eat it every day, and when we cook lunch and go to work, we usually incorporate raw garlic to stay healthy.

Garnish the slow-roasted Giant Russian Elephant Black Garlic with small raw garlic bulbs, fruit and roses.
Large elephant bulbs are perfect for making slow roasted black garlic.(Courtesy: Yasmine Bonner)

ancient medicine

Garlic has been used medicinally since prehistoric times.

Cloves were found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun, and garlic was mentioned repeatedly in the Ebers Papyrus, a compilation of Egyptian medical texts.

It was prescribed for abnormal growth, parasites, cardiovascular disease, and as a heart tonic.

Australian-grown garlic is a potentially healthier alternative to cheap imported garlic, which must be fumigated to reduce the risk of introducing pests and pathogens.

https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2023-01-08/giant-russian-elephant-garlic-discovered-chemical-free-farm/101829590 Oversized Russian elephant garlic surprises Australian growers after discovery of dangerous ‘nest’

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