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What is a NSW Digital ID and how does it work?

The NSW Government is working hard to provide customers across NSW with a convenient and secure private digital identity solution, backed by a solid technical foundation and legal framework.

What information do I need to set up my NSW Digital ID?

Two or more identification documents, such as a driver’s license or Medicare card, a mobile phone number, and an email address. You’ll also need to take a selfie that matches an existing photo. This is a process called photo verification. This will create and activate your NSW Digital ID. Selfies are not stored by the service NSW and will be destroyed as soon as a NSW Digital ID is established.

Can I use my NSW Digital ID outside of NSW?

The NSW and Australian governments are working closely together to consider adopting a national digital ID ecosystem to enable the use of NSW digital IDs outside of NSW. In operation, our nationwide consistent approach provides a seamless experience when dealing with governments and businesses at all levels.

Is it difficult for the elderly or physically challenged to use?

NSW Digital ID is easy for everyone to use. This improves accessibility, especially for customers with disabilities, those who are short on time, or those who live in rural areas. This puts every customer at the center of their digital identities and credentials.

What if I’m not familiar with using a digital ID? Are there other options?

Use of the NSW Digital ID is always completely optional. It provides a more convenient option for proving your identity online and in person, but it doesn’t replace the paper version of your credentials or cards.

Who accepts NSW Digital IDs?

The NSW Digital ID can be used by participating government agencies and commercial enterprises such as banks and utilities. We are working hard to get as many partners on board as possible.

How can I find out more?

NSW Digital ID will open to the general public when we believe we can provide a secure and private digital ID solution to all our customers across NSW.

https://www.nsw.gov.au/what-nsw-digital-id-and-how-will-it-work What is a NSW Digital ID and how does it work?

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