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The Voice Yes campaign is not working. But how bad does the poll have to be before the prime minister considers canceling the poll? | Paul Karp

The “Voice Referendum” debate has not gone well for the Yes camp.

You can see that in polls. Support for that voice ranges from: just ahead By a small margin, on average 50-50 is on the decline.

This is evidenced by the Albanon government’s decision to continue prosecuting the “Yes” case, despite suggestions that it was time to hand over the baton to the national movement after the relevant bills passed Congress.

Labor is trying to convince weak non-voters who are incapable of making decisions.While the prime minister appears on local FM stations and conservative radio stations, the prime minister indigenous australiaLinda Burney traveled to Tasmania with Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marls, then to Western Australia.

However, the aim of bringing the debate out of Canberra and into the community has not been fully realized as it is still being driven by federal politicians.

This can be seen in Labor’s tough stance on its critics. Bernie vs Peter Dutton Misinformation at press clubs and press clubs Anthony Albanese Spray On 2GB Radio, he argued that it was “stupid” to keep trying to do the same to improve outcomes for Aboriginal Australians.

Indeed, there are many PMs sharper than his efforts earlier this year.

Previously bogged down in endless demands for details, this week flatly dismissed the “red herring” as to whether the voices were a draw to reparations, changing the date of Australia Day and the change of Indigenous peoples’ representation to the Reserve Bank.

The problem is that if the debate continues to be framed around “risk,” which Albanese can say until it turns pale about only two things: its voice is constitutional recognition and listening and improving results, the no side will continue to play out like a dream.

As Albanon has previously pointed out, some Aboriginal Australian prominence in Nocamp, such as Jacinta Nampingjinpa Price and Warren Mundine, can be confusing People on the extent of their support for the voices of Indigenous Australians.

Meanwhile, Australians are constantly being told by Mr Dutton and the conservative media that risk-free options exist through the symbolic constitutional endorsement and legislative voice.

But that’s not what Aboriginal Australians sincerely asked for in the Uluru statement – here’s why Albanese has consistently yielded to refusal That thought.

As the yes votes are slowly being drawn out to sea by a wave of malice, this week one Liberal party backing the voice proposed a circuit breaker.Senator Andrew Bragg Said it’s time to readjust – “Save the concept” by holding a referendum in mid-2024.

I’m not sure how we’ll reach the goal Bragg said to “build bipartisan support that can improve the product” in another 12 months.

The Nationals responded to that call in November on principle, not plan. The Liberals held the door a little longer.

At the time, the government considered a model aimed at winning more conservative support. For example, parliament has the say, but the executive has no say. Or specify that Congress has the power to define the legal effects of its representations.

Many Indigenous advocates and leaders said no. They wanted a voice to make a difference.

The Coalition, in response to Labor’s efforts, Attorney General’s Advice He argued that the mere consideration of alternatives proved the proposal to be lax.

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Advice was published and read: The voice will strengthen the Australian system of a representative government.

Experts including former Chief Justice Robert French, former High Court Judge Kenneth Hein, academic Ann Toomey and attorney Brett Walker provided their opinions. dismiss the scare campaign.

But even so, the most common response within the coalition government, which did not campaign, was, “If you don’t know, vote against it.”

Another year of squashing a model that is not endorsed by indigenous leaders, or seeking sincerity and bipartisan cooperation from those who claim symbolic recognition, will accomplish nothing.

That leaves us with only three choices. It’s about turning the campaign around and winning. Accept defeat and call it honorable. Or cancel the referendum.

On 2GB, Albanese described himself as a “down-to-earth guy”. One might wonder how bad the poll results would be before the referendum is called off as a more realistic means.

Noel Pearson warned No Vote Means Settlement ‘Dead’ and Pat Dodson said It will damage our international reputation and take us out of our colonial past. Perhaps you could avoid some of the harm by discontinuing it.

That’s unthinkable at the moment, but that’s why Albanians and Labor want to fight with all their might and prove their belief in the generous spirit of the Australian people.

But amid the cost of living crisis, the mood of many voters seems to be against politicians talking about anything other than their own issues.

The most powerful force against a yes vote is invisible. It is doubt, lack of generosity, and fear of possible consequences that cannot be easily overcome by stronger denial.

known as Albanian love to fight tory But at this point, he might be fighting smoke when it comes to his voice.

https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/commentisfree/2023/jul/22/albanese-famously-loves-fighting-tories-but-with-the-indigenous-voice-its-as-if-hes-wrestling-smoke The Voice Yes campaign is not working. But how bad does the poll have to be before the prime minister considers canceling the poll? | Paul Karp

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