
The ‘elephant in the room’ of racism in Australia’s aged care homes

Pratik Sigdel was asked by a resident to return to his place on his first day at a nursing home.

He arrived in the country less than a year after leaving Nepal and took a job where racism became part of his daily life.

“From the first day… they used to tell us: ‘You go somewhere, go back to your country of origin. I don’t like you. I don’t like your skin.’ ’” he said. He said.

Experiencing racism was so common that he accepted it as part of the job.

“I’m here to support [the residents],” He said.

Experts say racism toward workers from nursing home residents is a pervasive problem in an often overlooked sector.

“What no one talks about is the elephant in the room,” said Bianca Briginas of the National Institute on Aging.

“But it is there and people experience it on a daily basis.

“It’s very specific to your skin color, your way of speaking, your accent, your appearance.”

Professor Bianca Brijnath says she hears countless stories of racism in nursing homes.(ABC News: Nicholas Purpich)

According to the federal government’s 2020 Aged Care Workers Census Report, 35% of direct care workers in aged care homes were identified as culturally and/or linguistically diverse, and from 2016 26% increase.

as part of her job, Professor Brijnath conducts seminars on dealing with racism for elderly care workers.

There is limited data on the rate of racism experienced by staff, but she said it was an issue that was raised “over and over again.”

“All the workshops … and we’re in public forums and conferences and other places, and it’s been covered repeatedly as well,” she said. The ‘elephant in the room’ of racism in Australia’s aged care homes

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