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Suella Braverman continues to come under fire over situation at Manston immigration processing center – UK Politics Live | Politics

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Prison chief inspector says Home Office needs to ‘get a hold of’ Manston

Charlie Taylor, HM’s Chief Inspector General of Prisons, said the Home Office needed to “know” the situation at the Manston Immigration Processing Center.

Taylor told Sky News:

What happened in Manston when I visited was that people were sleeping on the floor. A lot of people are crammed into the room and it’s very uncomfortable.

Family rooms have lots of different families in the same room, very young children, older children. A few hours is acceptable, but not if people spend a lot of time there.

I would be horrified if I went to a prison where prisoners had no mattresses, prisoners had no flush toilets, and prisoners had no telephones to keep in touch with family and friends.

Those are the three things we see at Manston.

As I said before, the Home Office needs to figure out.

Alok Sharma, president of Cop26, said BP’s big gains point to the need for higher windfall taxes.

He said:

We need to raise more money from windfall taxes on oil and gas companies and actively encourage investment in renewable energy.

Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick said processing asylum applications was taking too long.

He told Times Radio:

On the UK side, we would like to get to the point where we receive people in Manston, process them very quickly, send them to accommodation such as hotels and alternative accommodation, and ensure that those hotels are evenly distributed across the country. I’m here. We provide the best possible value for taxpayers so that their claims are processed quickly.

It’s taking too long at the moment. And if they succeed, they will live a full life in the UK and contribute to the country.

If not, it will be removed from the UK as soon as possible. But it is essentially a symptom of the problem.

When the scale of the challenge is as large as it is today, it will always be difficult for the Home Office to address these symptoms.

LBC reporter Charlotte Lynch tweeted that a senior Home Office source said the interior secretary had refused to approve hotel reservations for immigrants in Manston.

Sources who say Lynch is close to Manston claim that Suera Braverman only approved three hotels that were in the labor constituency last week.

She has been accused of doing the same when Braverman’s predecessor, Pretty Patel, was Minister of the Interior, stating, “They saw this coming.”

She has repeatedly denied that Braverman “willfully ignored advice”, and the Home Office said the allegations that advice was ignored were “completely untrue.”

EXCL: Senior Home Office sources say last week the Home Office refused to approve hotel reservations for migrants in Manston “because they were in the Torrey area”. @LBC

— Charlotte Lynch (@charlotterlynch) November 1, 2022

Still in the morning broadcast rounds, Immigration Minister Robert Jenrik warned that people across the country will face tax increases for years to come as Rishi Sunak tries to deal with a black hole of up to £50 billion in finances. I answered your question about whether you might face it.

He told BBC Breakfast:

Sorry, but we will have to wait for the Prime Minister’s statement in a few weeks. It’s time to set the tax changes he needs to ensure confidence in the financial markets and get the finances back on track.

Without such economic stability, the country cannot do anything it wants to do. You cannot invest in public services. We can’t guarantee that people will be financially secure so that their mortgages don’t go up or their pensions go down due to inflation. Nor will it be able to address major challenges such as illegal immigration that require investment.

This is Suella Braverman leaving her London home this morning on what could be a difficult day for her.

Suela Braverman leaves her home in London on Tuesday morning.
Photo: Nigel Howard

Immigration Minister Robert Jenrick said reports of diphtheria in Manston were “exaggerated”.

Asked about reports of disease outbreaks, including cases of diphtheria, MRSA and scabies in the field, he told BBC Breakfast:

Well, those reports are incorrect. they are exaggerated. I spoke with the doctors on site and they have a very good medical center and when I was there they had three doctors and paramedics helping people with medical conditions.

There are four cases of diphtheria among a population of approximately 4,000. But those are all individuals who came to the scene in that condition.As far as we know, they didn’t pick it up there. They are quarantined and treated properly.

But that’s not to say I’m happy with the state of the site.

Rachel Hall

Rachel Hall

good morning,

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is due to meet ministers this morning, raising questions about his decision to return home Suela Braverman to the post of Minister of the Interior.

Braverman is facing renewed backlash today after calling small boat crossings an “invasion”, raising concerns over overcrowding at Kent’s Manston Immigration Processing Center.

Minister of Immigration this morning Robert Jenrick He was making broadcast rounds to reassure the public that Braverman was right for the job. In any case, they were not “top secret.”

He said:

I can’t say that this was a serious security breach. It wasn’t right. She apologized for that and she now has a big job as Home Secretary.

He instead focused on developing a system that “welcomes the best and brightest and cracks down on those who come here illegally” because “it’s not what the British people want to see”. and argued that public housing should not be taken up by economic migrants, citing Albanians.

He claimed the government was not to blame for the “root cause” of what was happening at the Manston Immigration Processing Center.

He said:

Conditions are bad. they are improving. We try to get as many people as possible off the site and into better accommodation (mainly hotels) as quickly as possible.

It is not designed as a place for people to stay for long periods of time. Inevitably, relatively frugal. The task now is to ensure a return to normal operating patterns.

He admitted that people had been there for over 24 hours, sleeping on the floor on mats.

He said:

This is not a satisfactory situation. I am not here to defend it.Let’s just say the government isn’t the root cause of what we’re seeing at Manston. Staff managing the site, contractors, catering staff. The problem is that thousands of people cross the Channel illegally every day.

9 am: Cabinet meeting

10:30 AM: A judicial review of the residency rights of ‘pre-settled’ EU citizens in the UK brought by the Independent Monitoring Authority (IMA) to the UK Home Office over its treatment of EU citizens granted pre-settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme. Hearings will last two days and a verdict will be handed down at a later date.

11:00 am: The Northern Ireland secretary will meet with Stormont leaders amid calls for elections in the region.

2:30 p.m.: Secretary of Defense Ben Wallace appears before the Rose International Relations and Defense Committee on Defense Concepts and Capabilities.

2:30 p.m.: Russian ex-political prisoner Mikhail Khodorkovsky appears at the Foreign Relations Commission looking for a private military company to represent him.

If you think there is something we have missed, please contact us at: rachel.hall@theguardian.com.

https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2022/nov/01/suella-braverman-rishi-sunak-tories-manston-migrant-centre-uk-politics-live-news Suella Braverman continues to come under fire over situation at Manston immigration processing center – UK Politics Live | Politics

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