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Sudan medical volunteer detained after being seized from ambulance | Sudan

activist of Sudan Amid ongoing airstrikes and clashes in northern Khartoum, two medical volunteers have expressed anger after being detained for days by military intelligence officers after being seized from an ambulance they were driving in northern Khartoum.

Mohamed Ahmed and Mohamed Jamal joined other volunteers last week to reopen Bari’s Haji al-Safi hospital, which had been forced to close amid heavy fighting between the Sudanese army and the militia’s Rapid Support Force (RSF). I got lost while cooperating.

The man’s family did not receive news of the missing volunteer until Sunday, when military intelligence released a statement claiming he was arrested while driving a “stolen” ambulance.

The two men were released on Monday, but not before their captors shaved their heads in an apparent humiliation.

Activists denied the military’s allegations, saying the two were part of a volunteer effort to reopen the city’s hospitals. The deadliest fighting since violence broke out last month.

Dr Attia Abdallah, spokesperson for the Sudanese Doctors Corps and who has received death threats for her volunteer work, said: They should not have been punished for what they did by being arrested and indicted. This is a way of dragging militias into the war and keeping them out of commission. ”

About 80% of Khartoum’s hospitals are either completely non-functional or completely closed. A local doctor says the entire Sudan healthcare system could collapse, along with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

With no functioning government, the Sudan Civil Resistance Committee, a local political group integral to the 2019 uprising that ended the reign of former dictator Omar al-Bashir, has warned those caught in the fighting. It has played an important role in drug delivery.

The few remaining doctors who may have been able to work have been subject to death threats from the military. Dr Hiva Omer, the first president of Sudan’s medical union, has been accused of cooperating with the RSF. I was forced to go into hiding and stop caring for my patients after receiving a series of WhatsApp messages.

“We continue to receive all kinds of threats. Some have come to the hospital,” she said. “These people love death and blood and ugliness. but they hate it.”

Omer initially sent her children and her husband out of Khartoum, but remained to help the wounded, initially working at Stark El Niel Hospital. The hospital, located among several of her RSF positions, was eventually forced to close amid a heavy military rocket barrage, even though many wounded soldiers were among its patients. rice field.

“Most of the people we receive are servicemen, both from the RSF and the military,” Omar said. I just treat people who are sick.”

Omer was then moved to another hospital in the city, but was forced to flee after receiving reports of an impending RSF attack. “We were basically living inside a hospital with very limited staff and limited medical equipment and working under a lot of pressure,” she said.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/08/sudan-medical-volunteers-detained-after-being-seized-from-ambulance Sudan medical volunteer detained after being seized from ambulance | Sudan

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