
Senior Social Worker Named Aboriginal Allied Health Professional of the Year

Congratulations to Madison Williams for being named Aboriginal Allied Health Professional of the Year at the 2022 NSW Health Excellence in Allied Health Awards.

Madison is Senior Social Worker at Mudan Mujin (Building Strong Foundations) and Willingari (Aboriginal and Maternal and Child Infant Health Services) services in the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District. Cranebrook Community Health Center.

Her unwavering commitment to improving the health and social outcomes of Aboriginal people has earned Madison widespread recognition throughout the school district for her compassion and leadership.

Madison, a strong advocate of culturally safe care, said: I feel a strong cultural connection with my clients and want to ensure that they receive culturally appropriate care. ”

Maddison is thrilled to receive statewide recognition for the work she has done.

“I’m so happy and so excited. I’m so lucky to work with such an amazing team. I love my job and I love working at the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District,” says Madison. .

Maddison started working in the district as part of the NSW Health Aboriginal Allied Health Cadetship program. She says she has been a good support in establishing her career.

“The Cadets gave me a great opportunity, connecting me with other relevant medical professionals and really growing my professional network.”

Maddison appreciates the support of the many colleagues who have helped her along the way.

“I would like to thank Joanne Huging for her support leading up to my current role, and my current managers Lynette O’Malley and Natasha McGing for really supporting my work,” says Maddison. Senior Social Worker Named Aboriginal Allied Health Professional of the Year

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