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Record number of whales sighted off New South Wales coast during annual migration census

During the annual census, record numbers of whales have been spotted migrating up the coast of New South Wales.

The mammal population survey is part of a citizen science initiative sponsored by the Organization for Cetacean Conservation and Research (ORRCA).

The group’s president, Ashley Ryan, said more than 3,700 whales, mostly humpback whales, were sighted on Sunday, nearly 500 more than last year.

“We have 3,705 at the moment, up from 3,251 last year,” Ryan said.

“Once people finish the survey, there should be more numbers. Anyone who has recorded it on paper should also enter it into the app.

“This is a very impressive conservation success story. We need to see southern right whale numbers increase as well.”

Bath Point in Shellharbour was one of the popular vantage points.()

“Right from the Rock”

Ryan says eager attendees to the annual census line up at 70 rugged vantage points, with some spots more popular with whales than others. said it turned out.

“Boat Harbor in Port Stephens did well and King Edward Park in Newcastle did well too. Port Macquarie has always performed well and so has Cape Solander.”

Ryan said clear skies and relatively calm sea conditions had increased sightings and brought more mammals closer to shore than usual.

“It’s definitely easier if you’re looking out at the flat sea, just counting the hits, dead bodies and rips.

“I saw a lot of great photos and videos today and there was a whale literally right on the rock from where people were filming today.

“This is just one day in a three-month survey that we do, so it’s a great undertaking to get the community involved and excited about whales.”


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-25/record-number-of-whales-sighted-during-annual-nsw-census/102521600 Record number of whales sighted off New South Wales coast during annual migration census

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