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Raiders backloader Cory Harawira-Naela collapses during Canberra-South Sydney game

Canberra backloader Corey Harawira Naela collapsed during a play break during the match against South Sydney and was carried off the field on a stretcher.

Halawira Naera was waiting for Rabbit dropout in the 65th minute, but fell to the ground.

The game was halted for nearly 15 minutes after the New Zealand player appeared to have a seizure on the field.

“It was terrible. I spoke to my doctor and they said it was a seizure and they don’t know what caused it. It didn’t seem like a contact to the head and I’m confused as to why it happened,” Raiders said. coach Ricky Stewart said.

“He is currently on his way to the hospital and our thoughts and prayers are with him.

“His family knows he is receiving the best possible care. The medical personnel here have done an excellent job.

“We will contact them [his family] asap.

“I’m happy with the win, but I’m even happier that Corey has regained consciousness and is safe.”

Shortly before that, Halawira Naela had taken what appeared to be a statutory hit-up and was playing the ball without difficulty.

Medical staff were able to converse with Halawira Naela before removing her from the scene. He got up in the locker room and had a conversation with the medical staff.

Halawira Naera was later taken to hospital.

Raiders prop Josh Papary said: “It was without a doubt one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen on a football field. My deepest condolences to Corey. He’s safe and well. I hope that,” he said.

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-27/corey-harawira-naera-canberra-raiders/102402202 Raiders backloader Cory Harawira-Naela collapses during Canberra-South Sydney game

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