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Newcastle Herald Letter to the Editor and Short Take for Monday 10 April 2023 | Newcastle Herald

DENNIS Crampton claims the union is out of control (‘Labor pains are stacking up’, Letters, 6/4), but it’s not. The problem people have is that they actually spend a lot of time dealing with questionable employer practices. I disconnected the vehicle. It’s time to end the evil deeds of the business community that have hurt our country so much. Even if you get your business on track, you won’t be held responsible for debt. business. Putting profits in someone else’s name, you keep big houses, fancy cars, money in trust funds, stupid subcontractors and employees lose wages, holiday pay, super you never paid If you have an asset that is not easily liquefied before it goes bankrupt, like property for example, then there is no problem. Have another legal entity that you owe money to so that you can claim the residual value of your company on your behalf.

https://www.newcastleherald.com.au/story/8149738/businesses-are-feeling-the-pay-rise-pinch-too/?src=rss Newcastle Herald Letter to the Editor and Short Take for Monday 10 April 2023 | Newcastle Herald

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