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New South Wales Labor leader Chris Minnes says Dominic Perrotet’s Nazi uniform apology is ‘sincere’

New South Wales Labor Party leader Chris Minnes doesn’t think Prime Minister Dominic Perrotet needs to step down after it was revealed he wore a Nazi uniform at his 21st birthday party .

On Thursday afternoon, Perote held a press conference to admit that he wore a Nazi costume to his 21st birthday party in 2003.

Perrottet apologized for the “huge mistake” a concern was raised These days, his position may be untenable.

At a press conference in Tagaara this morning, Mings said it was a “huge mistake” but did not go so far as to call for the prime minister’s resignation.

“Obviously he made a big mistake then, and I think it’s important to acknowledge that he apologized,” Mins said.

“My sense is that it was a sincere apology and a sincere apology on his behalf. I don’t think that will affect the March 25 election.”

Chris Minns said it was important to acknowledge Perrottet’s apology. (ABC News: Keira Proust )

But he said the incident showed the Liberal Party was “in disarray”.

The issue came to light when Transport Minister David Elliott raised it with the Prime Minister two days before the announcement.

“They seem desperate to destroy each other’s political careers,” Mins said.

“If they can’t come together to campaign, what hope is there for them to come together even if they win next year’s election?

“At the end of the day, it doesn’t seem like they are a party focused on issues that affect the people of New South Wales.”

But New South Wales Liberal Party Senior Minister Alistair Henskens told reporters earlier this afternoon that the party was united behind its leader.

“Dominique Perrotet is an incredible leader and a very good prime minister.

“Our team is united behind [the premier]. He is getting better every day. ”

20 year old Dominique Perrotet
Dominique Perrotet a year ago in uniform. (attached)

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was asked about the issue at another press conference in Townsville this morning.

“It’s his problem…and it’s the problem of other people making decisions based on the prime minister’s explanation,” Albanese said.

Perrottet said he was not blackmailed into making the revelation.

He said he was confident in his position as leader of the Liberal Party and said he had been approached by several colleagues who offered their support.

Mr. Perrotet met with Jewish leaders shortly after publicizing his costume choices and touring the Sydney Jewish Museum.

Mark Rolfe, of the University of New South Wales, said the party to replace Perotte would: With the March state elections near, it’s not ideal.

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-14/nsw-labor-chris-minns-response-to-perrottet-nazi-photo-fallout/101855354 New South Wales Labor leader Chris Minnes says Dominic Perrotet’s Nazi uniform apology is ‘sincere’

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