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New software integration enables rapid reporting of multiple schemes

What are the software integration options for Strata Scheme reports?

A new software integration option has been developed to allow Hierarchy Managers to batch upload reports for multiple hierarchy schemes. It uses an API that is an automatic connection between the Strata Management Authority software and the Strata Hub.

How was the software integration option developed and why is it needed?

To ensure that the API solution meets industry needs, the Strata Hub team consulted with representatives from the Strata governing body and conducted user testing with software providers. This gave us valuable feedback to improve the solution before it rolls out in September.

Stephen Brell, Chairman of the Strata Community Association (NSW), Strata’s primary professional trade association in NSW, was involved in the consultation announcing both the software integrated reporting option and further spreadsheet options in development. Acknowledging the benefits of software integration, Brell said, “We will be integrating with Strata software suppliers to enable an ongoing annual requirement for reporting to the hub.”

He also welcomed the alternative of “a bulk upload feature that allows you to load data from portfolios into the hub using a simple spreadsheet.”

Brell says both solutions make reporting hierarchical schemes more efficient.

“These innovations offer members and hierarchy owners hundreds of hours worth of savings… [The Strata Hub team has] Very supportive and most importantly listened to our concerns and those of our members regarding the implementation of the Hub. ”

What if the Hierarchical Authority does not use the Software Provider?

If you have few Strata Manager clients and no software provider, you can consider flexible alternatives. This includes an Excel spreadsheet option for “bulk upload” of reports for multiple schemes, with the ability to upload spreadsheets to the Strata Hub available from early December 2022. Alternatively, a particular Strata manager of his may prefer to report schemes separately instead of using the API. Or bulk upload option.

Learn more about reporting options for hierarchy admins here. Multiple scheme reporting page.

https://www.nsw.gov.au/new-software-integration-helps-fast-track-reporting-for-multiple-schemes New software integration enables rapid reporting of multiple schemes

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