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New casino regulators set their sights on star reaction

The NICC has inherited the mandate to respond to Adam Bell’s findings on criminal activity at The Star and ongoing work to assess whether Crown Sydney is suitable for obtaining a permanent casino license. increase.

NICC top commissioner Philip Crawford said four NICC commissioners are reviewing Bell’s report, which will be released soon.

“We were given a very large document last week, and we need to look at it in the light of the retroactive new casino law,” Crawford said.

“NICC was created with broad regulatory powers independent of government and will consider its findings and recommendations in the context of how those powers are applied.

“Throughout historic casino reforms, the NSW government has set expectations regarding casino compliance and NICC stands ready to meet them.

“In addition to a board of five commissioners, the NICC has 10 staff dedicated to casino-related matters and more than 100 staff in the hospitality and racing departments who can be deployed in casino compliance activities.

“We have absolutely no desire for further cheating. With the increase in resources, we have decided to open both casinos with the help of independent monitors, Kroll and Wected advisors, who are closely monitoring the internal operations of Crown and Star, respectively. I am supervising.

“We believe that the new legislation will not only enable the NICC to proactively identify and address issues that require attention, but will also provide the appropriate means to formulate its response to the Bell report. increase.”

The reforms that created the NICC prompted the government to uphold all 19 recommendations of the Virgin Inquiry that found Crown unfit to hold its Barangaroo Casino license due to gross misconduct at casinos in Melbourne and Perth. fulfilled its commitment.

Additional reforms include action from the Royal Victorian Commission to Crown Resorts, further tightening compliance requirements for NSW casinos.

Reforms reflecting the recommendations of the Crown Sydney Bergin Inquiry include:

  • Creation of NICC.
  • Ban on NSW casinos trading with junket operators.
  • A requirement for casinos to monitor patron accounts and enhance customer due diligence.
  • A suitably qualified compliance auditor must be hired by the casino to report annually on the casino’s compliance with its obligations under all relevant laws.
  • Reforms to strengthen close relationship provisions.

Key reforms adopted by Crown Resorts from the Victorian Royal Commission include:

  • A regular review of casino licenses conducted as a public inquiry with powers like a Royal Commission to increase transparency about casino operations.
  • Casino operators may be compelled to fully and openly disclose any requested information and to notify NICC of any violation or potential violation of law.
  • An independent compliance auditor appointed by the NICC to report on casino operators’ compliance with their regulatory obligations.
  • Cash transactions over $1,000 have been phased out as both casinos have introduced cashless gaming.
  • With a requirement that gamblers use cards to track their play, we will move to mandatory card play, supporting financial crime monitoring and responsible gambling.
  • A new requirement for applicants wishing to become a close associate of a casino operator to demonstrate that they are fit to be associated with the casino.
  • Expanded the scope of regulation by allowing the NICC to regulate the behavior of close associates of casino operators, including disciplinary action where necessary.
  • Casinos needed to provide regulators with continuous and remote access to gaming data, just as pubs and clubs have done for years.

https://www.nsw.gov.au/new-casino-regulator-sets-its-sights-on-star-response New casino regulators set their sights on star reaction

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