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Midwifery program mentoring supports midwifery graduate students

A midwifery mentoring program develops a mutual learning relationship between midwives and midwifery students to help midwives grow and feel supported, while also encouraging long-term retention in the profession. is intended for

Since its launch in March 2022, the pilot program has recruited 30 mentors and matched them with 20 student midwives. A student will spend her year with an experienced and caring mentor who provides opportunities to connect, learn, grow and support.

midwife mentoring

Watch the midwifery pilot program mentoring by clinical midwifery educator Deb Gaynor and student midwifery Hannah Smith.

Midwife Facilitator Mentoring Cindy Partridge enjoys watching mentor relationships develop and knows the importance of having someone to whom students feel safe to ask questions.

“We help midwives develop mentoring skills and confidence so they can make a positive difference to students and graduates in their new roles,” says Cindy. says.

“Using a grateful questioning and compassionate conversational approach really enriched the process of connecting, reporting, learning and giving feedback.”

“This is deeper than ‘How are you? We use visual, emotional and storytelling in a strengths-based approach to ensure midwifery students are supported and always learning,” says Cindy.

Due to the program’s success, more mentors were recruited, with seven more in training late last year.

“This is part of our commitment to providing a superior patient experience by enhancing opportunities for our employees to feel safe and supported in areas of high demand.said Kim Maddock, Acting Director of Nursing and Midwifery.

“I hope this program will continue into the future so that we can offer this experience to all new midwives moving forward,” says Kim.

Midwifery Project Mentoring is a collaborative project with the NSW Health Nursing and Midwifery Office. Her three other regional health districts are participating.

https://www.nsw.gov.au/health/nbmlhd/news/stories/mentoring-midwifery-program-supports-graduate-midwives Midwifery program mentoring supports midwifery graduate students

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