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Meet DAN, the alter ego of ChatGPT.he doesn’t care about ethics or rules

Artificial Intelligence — Friend or Foe?

ChatGPT is thatpowerful ability” I will answer any questions you throw at me.

And it has proven popular The program reached the milestone of 1 million users in one weeksurpassed Instagram records.

But what if you ask for help with something unethical or illegal?

Meet DAN – if you dare

ChatGPT User reddit I decided to jailbreak the program and create an uncensored alter ego called DAN.

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-03-07/chatgpt-alter-ego-dan-ignores-ethics-in-ai-program/102052338 Meet DAN, the alter ego of ChatGPT.he doesn’t care about ethics or rules

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