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Letters and Short Takes June 26, 2023 | Newcastle Herald

Michael Hinchey (“Empathy is the Way to Go,” Letters 15/6): You are right. Not all rights are “written in the statute book”, but in your world retail workers, employers, renters and police officers are just a few of the people who blatantly discriminate against Indigenous Australians. It seems to be nothing more than Personally, I think your comment is 40 years old for him. You are asking us to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.” I have a brown skinned wife and I have a lot of friends from minority groups who face similar issues to Aboriginal Australians, but how and why I can stop emotionally blackmailing them and let the voice magically change things. I noticed that I was repeatedly asking you to teach me.

https://www.newcastleherald.com.au/story/8243533/its-imperfect-but-newcastles-inner-city-is-looking-its-best/?src=rss Letters and Short Takes June 26, 2023 | Newcastle Herald

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