
Immoral Democrat ploys threaten democracy

Supporting extremist Republicans is shortsighted. Republicans allied with Trump will increase divisions in Washington, constrain bipartisanship on key reforms, and undermine America’s credibility on the international stage. This means bad news for allies such as Australia.


It does not matter that many extremist MAGA candidates were not elected this time. What matters is that they can have. This was a very real risk. And it was only heightened by the Democrats’ unscrupulous stakes in prioritizing party interests over political stability.

The “success” of Democrat tactics raises the prospect that pro-Trump election naysayers will again benefit from Democratic funding. The election of Georgia’s Marjorie Taylor Green, who claims the 2020 election was rigged and endorses anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, is a warning of what might happen to Abraham Lincoln’s party.

The Democratic Party and its leaders have a long-term moral responsibility to uphold a strong, vibrant liberal democracy. Funding election deniers fails this test. Yes, you may win in the short term. But it also risks pushing the Republican Party further to the right, undermining the efforts of moderate voices to bring reason to the Grand Old Party.

Former Democratic Rep. Tim Remer, who opposed the practice, said: This is a bad tactic, a terrible strategy, and it corrodes our democracy. “


Let’s hope a wise leader like Roemer wins and Democrats realize the error of their ways. Protecting American democracy is more important than the Democrats winning the election.

There is no doubt that the midterm elections have hurt Trump’s position. The moderate Republican deserves to fight his election-denying supporters fairly in the 2024 primary. With any luck, the Republican Party will be back in the center. This will benefit us all.

Daniel D’Hotman is an Australian Rhodes Scholar and holds a PhD in Ethics from the University of Oxford.

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