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Health experts want 5 promises from new NSW government

New South Wales public health experts have sent a strong message to the upcoming state government to set industry interests aside and protect public health.

On Monday, the NSW branch of The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) has announced a public health campaign vote ahead of state elections in March.

The campaign highlights five priorities to reduce pressure on state healthcare systems, keep people healthy, and avoid hospital visits.

The five public health problems outlined on the election platform come with evidence-based solutions. PHAA NSW President Kate McBride said:

The five public health priorities are:

  • Protecting youth from the harm of e-cigarettes
  • Remove junk food ads on state property to promote healthy weight in children
  • Minimize the harm of gambling
  • Act boldly on climate change by banning new coal and gas mines and banning expansion
  • Make prevention a priority for health systems.

“The gambling, e-cigarettes and unhealthy food and beverage industries continue to profit from destroying the health and livelihoods of adults and children in New South Wales, but the incoming government will take targeted action to stop these. We can stop the harm of the disease,” said Dr. McBride.

Ahead of the March 25 elections, NSW’s PHAA will evaluate policies proposed by major political parties and score them against their own to help people decide who to vote for. .

e-cigarettes and youth

E-cigarette use among 15- to 24-year-olds has more than doubled in the past two years, according to Dr. McBride. A survey last year found that 1 in 3 of her teens had smoked e-cigarettes in the past.

“We need to act now and protect children and young people from the risks of smoking by criminalizing the supply or sale of nicotine-free e-cigarette products,” she said.

It is illegal to sell nicotine e-cigarettes without a prescription in Australia, but it is legal to sell nicotine-free e-cigarettes.

But e-cigarettes, or vape, which falsely claim to contain no nicotine, are “hindering” NSW’s crackdown efforts, the PHAA said.

The campaign’s solution is to put more pressure on the federal government.Strengthen enforcement actions to intercept illegally imported e-cigarette products.”

Most Australian experts say vaping is the gateway to smoking cigarettes. Photo: Getty

cashless gambling

Dr McBride said New South Wales is Australia’s gambling capital and has ruined family lives.

“The next government should implement a universal pre-commitment cashless card system with caps, a one-button self-exclusion mechanism, and enforce a ban on solicitation and advertising,” she said.

According to the PHAA NSW, issuing pre-agreed cashless card systems and enacting regulations and laws banning advertising and other incentives could control gambling and money laundering activities.

“In support of this policy, we are calling on all political parties to reject any pre-election agreements with the gaming industry,” said a document on the organization’s advocacy platform.

Ban the advertising of junk food

PHAA NSW advocates for the new government to ban the advertising of unhealthy food and beverages on government owned or controlled properties.

The NSW PHAA, along with 13 health organizations and individuals, endorsed the Cancer Council NSW in a 2022 joint statement calling on the incoming NSW government to limit the advertising of unhealthy food and drink on public transport and other national property. We ask you to show leadership by .

The NSW PHAA is The World Cancer Research Fund and the World Health Organization recommend reducing children’s exposure to unhealthy food marketing.

London, ACT and Amsterdam have laws prohibiting the promotion of unhealthy food and drink on public property.

The NSW PHAA wants to ban unhealthy food and drink advertised on public property in the state. Photo: Getty

coping with climate change

The NSW PHAA advocates for the new government to work to reduce climate-related harm to public health.

Climate-triggered flooding and wildfires pose serious risks to NSW communities, economies and the environment,” said NSW’s PHAA.

“If decisive action is not taken now, these problems will deepen existing inequalities and further marginalize the most vulnerable.”

Not only do public health experts want a ban on building or expanding coal and gas mines, A summit on health and climate focused on New South Wales said:Actions that protect the health and safety of the workplace, neighborhood, and community at large.”

Boost health prevention

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed “the undeniable flaws of our healthcare system.” The NSW PHAA hopes the new government will work to expand and diversify the public health workforce and boost prevention efforts.

38% of illnesses, illnesses and premature deaths could be prevented and 1 in 10 hospital stays could be prevented,” said the NSW PHAA.

This disproportionately affects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, people experiencing economic and social hardship, women and children. NSW has a world-class healthcare system, but it is under pressure. ”

Dr McBride said more than a third of Australia’s illnesses, illnesses and premature deaths are preventable.

“Major investments need to be made in preventive health interventions to alleviate the enormous pressure on NSW health systems,” she said.

Calling on the incoming government to expand and diversify its public health workforce, the NSW PHAA is calling on them to develop a strategy to ‘integrate prevention into all health sectors in NSW’.

https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/state/nsw/2023/01/30/public-health-experts-government-nsw-election/ Health experts want 5 promises from new NSW government

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