
Don’t fool us with Berejiklia revisionism

Jacqueline Mayley hits the mark in her article on Gladys Berejiklian (“Don’t Believe Spin: Berejiklian Wasn’t A Bad Man’s Female Victim”, July 6). All the obfuscations regarding what he knew about Maguire’s dodgy dealings were revealed in the full ICAC report, indicating that Maguire knew about his corrupt activities from the beginning.

And Peter Dutton and others continuing to claim that Berejiklian was fooled by the ass shows that they have no morals that we as a nation should be accorded to our politicians. Ian Ferrier, Longjetty

credit: Illustrated by Matt Golding

The insight and credibility of Peter Dutton, Matt Keane and others to prove that Gladys Berejiklian was not corrupt when she was Premier of NSW, despite the ICAC’s black and white admission of her corruption. What are you talking about? In recent years, especially coalition politicians have tended to assert that “black is white” in the light of day. While Dutton and others loved and admired Berejiklian, why can’t they sadly admit that she sometimes behaved corruptly? Facts are facts. Let’s eradicate local Trumpism and moral revisionism before it becomes endemic. Peter Campbell, Pottspoint

Mayley highlights various forms of feminism and the generalizations and judgments made to justify or accept the behavior of others. But regardless of the impact it has had on us, we are all responsible for our own actions and must learn from our own experiences, even the highest-ranking politicians. Janice Cleanone, Austin Mar

Woody’s family power

Fitzy’s interview with Todd Woodbridge is a reminder that even the rich and famous sometimes do tough things (“From Troubles at Home to Doubles on Center Court”, July 2). It is also a reminder of the importance of a supportive family. Life doesn’t play favorites when you give up on challenges. Woodbridge was one of the gentlemen of tennis, who faced his personal challenges with the same courage and dignity he showed on the court. Luckily, he also benefited from his family’s support.

Many people have no one to turn to in difficult times. Charities and government agencies do great things, but they have their limits. And many in need don’t know how to make use of the available support systems. In my neighborhood, very few neighbors know or recognize each other’s names. Those without family support and caring friends are at risk of getting stuck in a crisis. Graham Lamb, North Rocks

transforming voice

Pat Dodson rightly underscores Australia’s less-than-perfect human rights situation (“Losing the Voice would hurt global standing, says Dodson”, July 2). Our cruel treatment of asylum seekers and the disproportionate number of Indigenous peoples in our criminal justice system are two examples. In addition, our global reputation as a climate laggard makes our country a lower score when it comes to climate justice. But if we can move away from being a fossil-fueled mega-state, say “yes” to our voices, and transform ourselves into a nation that embraces and respects the wisdom and rights of indigenous peoples, then in the eyes of the rest of us, we can improve ourselves. Of the world. Amy Hiller, Cue (VIC) Don’t fool us with Berejiklia revisionism

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