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Cranbrook boys time is over

Reading the battle of wills going on in Cranbrook, I am baffled as to why the “old” can’t let go of that brief period spent in school (“The Great Battle for Control of Sydney Close private schools as donors threaten emigration” (20 November). Do their rights outweigh the teaching experience of actual educators because they are defined by, or aspire to, their exclusive education? It may be time to move on. not. Tim Parker, Balmain

Every Australian needs a voice

I support Linda Barney and congratulate her on her continued leadership for all Australians (“Grief, Voices, and a First Career”, November 23). That said, I don’t understand why Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa-Pryce is going against Congressional voices. “Reconciliation is often weaponized and used against non-Aboriginal Australians. Real reconciliation is actually treating us all equally and not letting voices separate us,” the Senator said. When I say that, I don’t understand what you mean.

The settlement was a positive for me as a non-Aboriginal. I learned to understand and value Aboriginal culture. For example, in Canada, First Nations people are constitutionally and culturally successful in their society. How will the voices “separate us” and deny equality? I believe that continuing with what we have done before will only entrench the current status quo. Achieving equality for all requires a voice and all that goes with it. Suska Scobie, New Lambton

Diplomacy necessary for China

It is heartening to read Kevin Rudd’s cautious approach to relations with China, certainly preferable to the aggressive attitudes of some politicians and journalists, easily sparking armed conflict and possibly It could lead to the mutually assured destruction of an unwinnable nuclear exchange.How to deal with Xi’s China”, November 23). It is clear that a continued diplomatic approach to relations between the two countries is essential. It must be freed from counterproductive calls from what has been identified as a negative aspect of the partner country.

Some of our commentators are particularly fond of denouncing China’s treatment of the Uyghur minority. Not only is this counterproductive, it’s breathtakingly hypocritical. Many of our treatment of minorities can hardly be ignored when we treat other nations more sacredly than you. Examples of our reprehensible treatment of minorities include the Includes handling. This includes recent revelations of a 10-year-old being assaulted and held in solitary confinement. Also, the treatment of indefinitely closed asylum seekers.

We must continue our constructive diplomatic engagement with China at this crucial time in our history. Brian Fitzsimmons, Kincumber

Trump is a symptom of American fatigue

Peter Fitzsimons Interview with ABC Chasers’ Chas Lichadero on American Politics (“Cut to Chas: Can Trump Win the Presidency in 2024”, November 20).

https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/time-s-up-for-cranbrook-old-boys-20221123-p5c0oy.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_national_nsw Cranbrook boys time is over

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