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COVID-19 testing this Christmas and New Year

If you have symptoms, you can test using a rapid antigen test (RAT) at home. For most people, the RAT is the most convenient and appropriate test for COVID-19. Free RATs are available at: Service NSW Or participating local community centers in priority groups.

PCR testing is recommended for people at high risk of severe disease because it allows early access to treatments such as antiviral drugs.

The Lithgow Hospital and Blue Mountains Hospital clinics are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am to 12pm, and the Blue Mountains Clinic is also open from 1pm to 4pm. The clinic is closed on New Year’s holidays. To check opening hours for COVID-19 testing clinics, please visit: www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/testing-managing/clinics.

Voluntarily registering positive RAT results can help you access health support and antiviral medications if you are eligible.

If you test positive or have cold or flu symptoms, please stay home. If you must leave your home, wear a mask and avoid going to high-risk areas such as hospitals, seniors’ and disabled facilities.

https://www.nsw.gov.au/health/nbmlhd/news/stories/covid-19-testing-christmas-and-new-year COVID-19 testing this Christmas and New Year

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