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Court heard murder suspect was ‘fornicator and violent’ but not murderer

A court has heard that a man accused of murdering his wife admitted he was “flirting with other women and was sometimes violent” but was not charged with murder.

John Douglas Bowie, 72, murdered his wife, Loxlyn Bowie, around June 5, 1982, when she disappeared from her home in Walgett, NSW, New South Wales. He pleaded not guilty.

She was 31 and left behind two young children who were 6 at the time and almost 2 years old. Her body has never been found.

In the defense team’s opening remarks, Senior Attorney Winston Terracini said that the case against Bowie was entirely circumstantial, and witnesses said the defendant was “at home or at home” on the night Loxlyn Bowie was allegedly murdered. It’s not near the piggery,” he stressed. .

A jury on Tuesday found part of Crown’s lawsuit that Bowie murdered his wife in order to pursue an “unfettered serious relationship” with a woman he had met and started a sexual relationship with the previous month. I was told that it would be

Terracini said only because Bowie had ‘low standards’ [as a husband] Still, it was difficult to answer them,’ and it was important for the jury to remember that ‘it wasn’t murder.

“I’m not saying he’s the perfect companion when it comes to infidelity and behavior towards his wife,” he said.

“Sadly, as you may know from your own experience… people behave appallingly in domestic relationships, but it’s far from murder.”

Prosecutor Alex Morris has evidence that Bowie told his colleagues six times, “If you want to kill someone, feed them to wild pigs.” prophesied. “.

The Crown called its first witnesses, including Ms. Bowie’s friend Noreen Knight, who shared with the court that the defendant told her he was “playing with another woman” three days before his disappearance. did.

But Knight said when he last saw Bowie, whether he had visited his home in Sydney and whether he had seen him after his wife disappeared. Sometimes I had a hard time remembering details like please.

Morris read out excerpts from Knight’s previous statements to police in 1993 and 2018 and helped her “refresh” her memory of the 2014 autopsy on Loxlyn Bowie’s disappearance.

When presented with the affidavit, Knight double-checked its accuracy and said it was more reliable than her current recollection.

The court has reviewed some statements Mr. Knight made to the police on August 21, 1983.

“I got a call from John Bowie…he told me Roxlyn had left,” it read. “He told me that she had packed some things in the blue suitcase she had brought.”

“my husband [Brian] Talk to John and after a while Brian went to Walgett and took the kids back. [to Sydney] To be with Loxlin’s parents.

“A few days after Brian returned from Walgett with his children, John Bowie seemed to arrive. He stayed at our house for a few nights before finding accommodation.

“While John Bowie was at our house, I saw him with a blue suitcase. He told me that I paid special attention.”

The defense said that since Bowie’s disappearance, Mr. Bowie has given statements, participated in recorded interviews, and “been cross-examined in witness boxes for a very long time by lawyers assisting coroners.” 2014 court hearing into Roxlyn’s presumed murder.

The trial continues.

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-28/roxlyn-bowie-murder-trial-day-two/101483002 Court heard murder suspect was ‘fornicator and violent’ but not murderer

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