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Build better balance in this April Falls

Along with a healthy diet, physical activity is one of the most important things you can do to stay independent as you age, says Nicole Hill, Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District Falls Clinical Nurse Consultant. says.

“Being physically and socially active and eating good, nutritious foods are very important in reducing the risk of age-related falls,” says Nicole.

As humans age, their body muscles can lose strength and coordination. The more you stay active, the more likely you are to maintain physical function.

Professor Kim Delbaere, senior principal investigator at NeuRA and president of the Fall Prevention Association of Australia and New Zealand, said older adults should participate in community-based fall prevention programs such as regular tai chi, group exercise programs, gym sessions, and step-ons. , or states that they would benefit from simple exercise. Improve strength and balance at home.

“Studies show that regular exercise can reduce falls in older adults by 23%, while slow, high-intensity balance exercises can increase the benefits of exercise by up to 40%.” says Kim.

The Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC) works with the NSW Fall Prevention and Healthy Aging Network to April Falls Resources Fall prevention information for patients, families, caregivers and medical staff can be found at CEC website.

To find a local exercise group that includes balance and strength exercises, visit NSW Active and Healthy Website.

https://www.nsw.gov.au/health/nbmlhd/news/stories/build-better-balance-april-falls Build better balance in this April Falls

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