
Basil Zempilas: Heating up Australia Day debate will only create division

1. Yesterday the City of Perth was one of many councils around our state to observe the National Day event on our National Day. The we. Like my fellow mayors, I am confident that I fully accept and understand the conversations and discussions regarding January 26th. Will the damage be done? If the Prime Minister wants to change the date, he will have to initiate that change through Parliament. Instead, he wagered in his own way and created a greater schism by allowing the council to hold the event on the day it chose. . Australia Day should bring people together, not separate them. Come PM, either we change or we don’t. Trying to do it both ways will do you great harm.

2. Here is another discussion. Should “I’m Australian” be the national anthem? It’s a better song, a much better song, and the lyrics are more relevant than Advance Australia Fair.–c-9564540 Basil Zempilas: Heating up Australia Day debate will only create division

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