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Australian of the Year Taryn Blumfitt says hugging her body was the ‘golden ticket’

Body image advocate Taryn Blumfitt said it took her a while to accept her body, but now wants to help all Australians become the same. increase.

The 2023 Australian of the Year is in the process of making its third documentary and is looking to expand its body image resources for schools.

The Body Image Movement Creator’s Embrace journey began with the birth of three children.

“After having kids, I struggled with my body image,” she told ABC News on Thursday.

“I have (finally) learned to accept my body. It took me a while, but I got there and felt like I had won the golden ticket.”

“I learned to accept my body because of my daughter, and now we are going out into the world to help all Australians accept their bodies.”

camera icon2020 Australian of the Year Taryn Bramfitt poses for a photo with her family.She said giving birth to her children inspired her to embrace her own body image.Matt Roxton credit: News Corp Australia

The 45-year-old went viral after putting a twist on her “before and after” photos with an earlier photo from her bodybuilding days and a later one showing her carrying more weight but still comfortable in her skin. became.

Taryn Brumfitt's
camera iconTaryn Brumfitt’s “before and after” went viral. credit: attached

Brumfitt has written a book and released two documentaries over the past decade as part of a campaign to spread self-awareness, which has already reached 200 million people.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said every Australian knows someone affected by body image issues.

“Tallinn’s message is to be proud of your body and who you are, and that everyone should take care of who they are. Loving your body is a really good message to talk about on different issues regardless.

“And I think Tallinn will make a big difference this year as Dylan Olcott has been an outstanding Australian of the Year for raising issues for people with disabilities over the past 12 months. .”

Announcing the 2023 Australian of the Year Awards
camera iconPrime Minister Anthony Albanese says Blumfitt will make a ‘big difference’ as Australian of the Year this year. NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage credit: News Corp Australia

Brumfitt wasted no time in using the platform, calling a meeting with the team “early in the morning” to bolster the campaign to reach one million schoolchildren.

“Our goal was to[reach]1 million schoolchildren in the next three years. I had a chat with the team early this morning and said, ‘This Australian of the Year and the future Do you think you can make it through 12 months?'” she said.

“We all agreed to go for it.

“(Embrace Hub) has evidence-based resources that can help you nourish your body and we want as many Australians as possible to know about it. .

“Waging war with our bodies is not our purpose in life, so now is the time to have a national conversation about how we feel about our bodies.”

Her attention now also turns to preaching male acceptance of the self.

https://www.perthnow.com.au/business/australian-of-the-year-taryn-brumfitt-says-embracing-her-body-was-a-golden-ticket-c-9562563 Australian of the Year Taryn Blumfitt says hugging her body was the ‘golden ticket’

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