
Anzac Day opening hours: store opening and closing hours

Key Point:
  • Anzac Day is celebrated on Tuesday, April 25th.
  • There are changes in trading hours not normally seen in other years.
  • An unregulated form of gambling, Two Ups can also be played in bars, pubs and clubs.
Since 1916, 25th April has been commemorated as ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army) Day, a solemn event that commemorates the lives of those who died in military campaigns.

National holidays are accompanied by some changes in trading hours and gambling rules not normally seen in other years.

What’s closed and what’s open?

of New South Wales, Victoria and queenslandwill not be open until 1pm on Anzac Day.
Exempt stores include pharmacies, gas stations and convenience stores, although small businesses are generally closed until 1pm.
Stores not eligible for tax exemption south australia You can trade within the CBD from 12pm to 5pm.
of Western Australiageneral retail stores such as major grocery stores are closed all day, but this does not include gas stations and smaller retail stores.
of Tasmaniathe store cannot open before 12:30 PM.

in the Northern Territory and activitythere is no trading time limit.

How will alcohol regulations change?

There are some changes regarding alcohol laws on Anzac Day. sauce: AAP / AAP

Liquor availability varies by state and territory.

of Wataverns, hotels and clubs can generally operate from 12pm to midnight, although the specific hours depend on the type of liquor license held by the business.
of Victoriapeople can buy alcohol from 12pm to 1am in restaurants, cafes, pubs and bottle shops.
of New South Walespubs, clubs, small bars, restaurants and cafes may sell alcohol from 1pm if it is part of their normal opening hours.
of NT and queensland We changed the rules on April 25th. TasmaniaAlcoholic beverages can be purchased at liquor stores that mainly sell alcoholic beverages or licensed liquor stores.

in the activity and south australia There are no alcohol restrictions on specific Anzac Days.

What is a two-up?

An image of a wooden paddle with two coins

Two-up is a form of unregulated gambling that uses a wooden paddle to toss two coins. sauce: AAP / Diego Fedele

A two-up is a game in which two coins are tossed in the air and bet on heads or tails.

The game dates back to the 1800s and was played by Australian forces during the two world wars.

Gambling is usually illegal, but can be played in bars, pubs and clubs on Anzac Day.

The Palace Hotel in Broken Hill is one of the only locations in Australia licensed to host a regular two-up game every Friday night.
Fisk Nagas, co-owner and gaming manager of 2Up, has been running 2Up for 10 years and says playing the game is a “very social way to lose money” .
“The game itself encourages conversation, and Anzac Day brings people from all walks of life together,” he said.
Nagasu said the social aspect of the game is more important than money, and it’s essential to play responsibly.
“There was an ex-military man who could be up to 80 years old playing…the game has changed and it’s a special day,” he said.
SBS has translated Ode of Remembrance into 45 languages. Anzac Day opening hours: store opening and closing hours

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