
Adam Abdalla denied bail over alleged attack on football referee in Padstow

A football referee who was attacked by a crowd during a match in southwest Sydney had four teeth knocked out, the court was told.

Adam Abdallah, 25, was accused of assaulting referee Hoddle Goat, 45, at Padstow Oval after the Greenacre Eagles played Friday night against the Padstow Hornets.

A video of the attack emerged over the weekend, showing Yagi being punched and kicked in the head before witnesses intervened.

Mr. Abdallah, who has been charged with injuring a person with intent to cause serious bodily harm and causing a fight, was denied bail in Bankstown District Court.

Prosecutors described it as an “outrageous attack” witnessed by 30 people.

They argued that there was little to no provocation, other than the referee asking the accused to “get out of the way.”

The court heard that Yagi lost four teeth and had a broken jaw in the alleged attack.

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Abdullah’s attorney, Talal Kleim, argued for the client’s release, saying the client acted “out of character for one minute of his life.”

He also said the client’s memory of the incident was affected because a moment not captured on video was hit in the head by a bystander’s pole.

A referee is struck in the jaw during the Greenacres Eagles vs. Padstow Hornets soccer game on Friday, April 28, 2023. Twitter: Socrates Miles()

Creme said his client could provide a $250,000 guarantee for his release and was willing to surrender his passport.

Abdallah was supported in court by many friends and relatives, including his pregnant wife.

Justice of the Peace Glenn Walsh, who refused bail, said he was reluctant to believe that the defendant did not remember the incident, instead stating that the evidence was that “someone with full control over his facility was chasing the man.” , beat him severely.”

“The nature of what’s going on indicates an inability to maintain control,” he said.

The case will go to court in June.

The Bankstown Amateur Football Association said Abdallah has been suspended and will work with police to investigate the matter.

Prime Minister Chris Mins said on Sunday that the incident was “troubling”.

“Please treat the referees with respect. Let’s go,” he said.

“Reports of referees being assaulted are totally unacceptable.” Adam Abdalla denied bail over alleged attack on football referee in Padstow

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