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Accused of being too soft a slap for many ministers Morrison

For the average man and woman, it’s not the cost of living, whether you’ll lose your job, possibly where your next meal will come from, or how much hose Morrison had, but what’s so bad about the former Prime Minister’s secrets. I’m worried about His multiple ministries in unprecedented times? George Fishman, Vaucluse

The lawmakers’ pressure is a reasonable response, as Morrison’s secret appointment showed a strong disdain for his Liberal Party and Cabinet colleagues, his party, Congress, and the country. He seems to convey Ronald Reagan’s strategy of “let them feel the heat when you can’t make them see the light.” Chatswood, Steve Nyou

Libs loss reflects changing community expectations

The Victorian election results continue a trend in Australian politics that reflects community dissatisfaction with particularly liberal politics.Libs need to expand their base to win again: MPs”, November 28). There needs to be a self-examination within the Liberal Party ranks nationally as to why this is happening and how to rectify these failed election results. turned into conflict. You have ‘us’ or ‘them’. But as communities move out of this choice and seek greater personal engagement in political outcomes, Greens and independents are on the rise. Chris Rivers, Port Macquarie

 <p>” loading=”lazy” src=”https://static.ffx.io/images/$zoom_0.317%2C$multiply_0.7487%2C$ratio_1%2C$width_378%2C$x_221%2C$y_0/t_crop_custom/ q_86%2Cf_auto/f58f21504211aad1a95ffb28e343dfbcae70d3ae” height=”283″ width=”283″ srcset=”https://static.ffx.io/images/$zoom_0.317%2C$multiply_0.7487%2C$ratio_1%2C$width_378% 2C$x_221%2C$y_0/t_crop_custom/q_86%2Cf_auto/f58f21504211aad1a95ffb28e343dfbcae70d3ae, https://static.ffx.io/images/$zoom_0.317%2C$multiply_1.4974%2C$ratio_1%2C$width_378%21C$ %2C$y_0/t_crop_custom/q_62%2Cf_auto/f58f21504211aad1a95ffb28e343dfbcae70d3ae 2x”/></picture></div><figcaption class=

credit:Matt Golding

Back-to-back election losses in Queensland, South Australia’s one-time loss (extremely rare), Western Australia’s virtual sweep, Victoria’s first electoral victory since 2010 Liberals have again carried out a policy-free scare campaign in Victoria, despite the fact that there is no , the same tactics lost them central seats in major metropolitan cities to progressive women independents, just six months after they lost them in federal elections. Got complaints again. Perhaps this party of Old White Men can listen to voters. We present a comprehensive list of candidates that reflect Australia today, rather than the white, male-dominated Australia of 1901. Abandon the small-government neoliberal obsession that has driven down real wages for three decades. And present policies that resonate with voters. Perhaps they will become competitive again. Michael McMullan, Avoca Beach

A good government needs a good opposition. What the Liberals made clear over the weekend was that not only were they unable to win elections, they were now an incoherent and dysfunctional opposition, forever at war with themselves. This is by no means a good result. Christina Vingis, Church Point

Victoria’s election results were predictable for those watching the signs: controlled by far-right operatives, heavily instigated by religious fanatics, and infused with bizarre anti-Semites. is eerily replicated in the NSW Liberal Party: hard-right religious prejudice in full control. All of this makes the March elections pretty predictable unless the liberal power brokers orchestrate a complete change. John Greenway, Wentworth Falls

Why the mixed hand gestures over liberals? The answer is blindingly obvious. Two words: obsolete, irrelevant. Brian Hayesman, Win Marie

I have to roll my head for child neglect

A horror story should break everyone’s heart (“Urgent Review of Children in custody”, November 28). The systematic neglect of these vulnerable children by service providers and the details of inaction by government departments makes my blood boil. How can this be allowed in modern society. Is this the best Australia can do for neglected children? Robert Hickey, Greenpoint

Children in state-supported care do not have to endure being hungry, catching colds, being abused or not being loved. States spend millions of dollars on foster care and other services. It is not clear if these funds are properly managed. Foster care is challenging and should be supported, but not lucrative. Love and attention have no cost. As a society, our primary duty is our children: their health, education and welfare. James Athanasou, Maroubra

The tragedy of poor children not being cared for by private organizations is another example of the failure of outsourcing social services to private enterprises. It boasts activity on a glossy website that looks like. Although they claim to be “non-commercial,” the exorbitant government funds they receive must be deposited somewhere. And it doesn’t seem to reach those in need. We have already seen the failure of privatization and outsourcing. It’s time for governments to hold unscrupulous providers accountable. Patricia Farrar, Concord

Why do we need reviews? Michael Evans describes exactly how we care for our ‘unwanted’ children. There are statistics. Because reviewing takes time and exacerbates the suffering of children. Frank Tweedy, Morpeth

The bile of these people who do so much to themselves and cause their already neglected children to be even more neglected. How can we call ourselves an enlightened society if this exists? Society as a whole would benefit if we invested huge sums in our families and prevented them from derailing in the first place. Kathleen Hollins, Northmead

Didn’t Charles Dickens write about child neglect in the 19th century? Pasquale Vartuli, Wahrunga

wage request

David Pocockcredit:Alex Ellinghausen

The federal government has reached agreement with independents and the Green Party to pass an industrial relations bill.Labor strike IR deal after chat with Pocock”, November 28). We hope this will lead to positive wage results. The fact that it faces criticism and opposition from business tells me it’s a good thing. should be seen in the context of a concerted agenda to increase profits while reducing the bargaining power of the enslaved workers. Employers and corporate organizations chant a predictable but weary mantra of lost jobs and rampant strikes. Neither of these scenarios are supported by evidence. They are primarily concerned with maintaining low wages and disabling workers while maximizing already high profits. Lindsey Smith, Linden

Human rights violations

It is right and not premature to call for Australian sanctions against countries, and even allies, involved in human rights abuses (“What we can do to help Iran’s brave and rebellious women”, November 28). America’s Magnitsky Act provides for sanctions against those involved in serious human rights violations, including “repression of political and media freedoms.” Indonesia is a candidate for such sanctions. A March 2022 United Nations report on West Papua cites “shocking abuses against indigenous Papuans, including the killing of children, disappearances, torture and mass displacement of people.” People are imprisoned under the West Papuan independence flag. Access to the area by journalists and human rights observers is severely restricted, even if allowed. Unfortunately, Australia’s track record in dealing with local abuses does not match the rhetoric employed against far-flung regimes. Melissa Cadick’s feet get more attention than the oppressed Papuans. Susan Connery, Lakemba

emergency funding

Greg Mullins wants to fund under-resourced emergency and recovery services (Seewe are not prepared for the next disaster”, November 28). Stop offering $11.6 billion in fossil fuel subsidies that only make matters worse, and put that money where you can be sure it will be needed sooner or later. It’s a state responsibility, not a state responsibility. Scott Morrison famously disobeyed Mullins and his fellow experts. His successor as prime minister will have to squarely commit to doing the right thing. There is no weak excuse for who has the hose or who is rowing the little boat. Margaret Johnston, Paddington

Greg Mullins

Greg Mullins

You can also spend some research money on developing an accurate flood warning system. That way, you won’t be surprised by rivers rising faster than expected. Greg Baker, Fitzroy Falls

Greg Mullins’ warnings about underfunding disaster preparedness, like scientists’ warnings about global warming, are likely to be ignored by politicians, but the time is running out. Frustration with government obfuscation and slow climate action is evident in the victory of the Greens and independents in Victorian elections. Mullins is right. Barry Lane, Castle Cove

uncle spam

We recognize that all Black Friday deals and Black Friday sales are good revenues for media. But if we embrace Halloween and Black Friday, will it be his 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Donald his Trump birthday next?Let’s throw this garbage out as Australians. Greg Lilly, Kincumber

I’m excited. He only has 4 weeks left before he can buy hot cross buns again. Peter Fife, Enmore

to the point

Doom for Dom (letterNovember 28), the maximum value of Minns. Les Sherman, Darlington

big battle

Princess Mary of Denmark

Princess Mary of Denmarkcredit:Claus Fisker

Previews of the Australia-Denmark match have already consumed centimeters, but no one has yet asked the obvious question: Who will Princess Mary barracks for? Stephen Driscoll, Castle Hill

power off

There is no point in arguing about the powerhouse museum figures (″⁣Sharks help you get more bytes from your visitors″⁣, November 28). The museum is scheduled to close next year and re-emerge in a few years as a commercial/entertainment center that includes a design and fashion museum.
Gary Horvey, Pennant Hills

digital view
Online comments from one of the stories that garnered the most reader feedback yesterday smh.com.au
Coal miners deny involvement in power price hike, start war with government
from monkeyYes, the mining industry will scream and continue, but it continues to make substantial profits after the price caps, so the “normal Continuing “business as usual” will soon prove their words to be empty. The sky does not fall.”

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https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/nsw/censure-too-soft-a-slap-for-many-ministers-morrison-20221128-p5c1q8.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_national Accused of being too soft a slap for many ministers Morrison

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