Home Business Why Cryptocurrency Asset Matters in Your Estate Planning

Why Cryptocurrency Asset Matters in Your Estate Planning


Nothing is ever guaranteed in life, even in the world of finance. Your finances are more than enough one day, but eventually, you might find yourself in a challenging situation. That’s why the financially literate try to accumulate as much wealth as they can while they are young. When they reach a ripe age, they could then enjoy the fruits of their labour.

 But again, since change is constant, young and old folks should be ready for the inevitable. Being so means having an estate plan that is suitable to one’s circumstances and priorities. Imagine when you become incapacitated or die suddenly without such a legal instrument; what will happen to your wealth and savings? 

Estate planning is undeniably crucial in the unpredictable world. Whether you’re a middle class or a rich person, you need to decide early how your assets should be managed when the worst-case scenarios happen. This will include your cryptocurrency holdings if you have invested in this asset class for a long time. No matter how large or small, it matters because you toiled for the returns over the years.

Some people are not very particular about this matter, resulting in a lack of foresight and poor decisions on certain occasions. For sure, if you were in their shoes, you might have made a different approach. But unless you know why it truly matters, as the following facts discuss, no outcome would ever favour your interests. 

How Important is Crypto Asset in Estate Planning? 

As with any other asset, cryptocurrency is also important. They have corresponding monetary value like fiat currency, precious metals, and other valuable items. That means that they should be treated as part of your total wealth. You can trade cryptos thanks to online platforms like Bitcoin Evolution. When you include it in your estate plan, the most essential job is ensuring that the executor of your estate knows which asset you hold and how to access them. Based on the recent report, the usual barrier to the entire process is the difficulty in accessing such assets. 

The underlying reason is that crypto investors are notoriously critical about how they store their digital keys and access codes. This is not surprising as many users observe precautions against the possibility of hacking and theft, which is common in this market. However, not sharing the same with a trusted confidante may be a drawback when unexpected events happen. Not having the access codes would mean that the digital wallets couldn’t be accessed, and the holdings couldn’t be dispensed. 

From the finance expert’s point of view, it would be safe to list down on paper the crypto keys for estate executors and heirs. They ought to know the place where this document is stored and the details about the assets. Some of the most important information includes the kind of assets, key locations, and access controls used for security. Access controls generally refer to PINs, multisignature, and timelock requirements. 

Legal Perspectives on Crypto Estate Planning

Estate planning for investment portfolios has always been a complicated process and has gotten more so in the era of digital currencies. Investors then could prepare a will and include several items such as stock certificates in a safe deposit box. Today, there are new laws and regulations that investors should follow for digital assets to be safely and securely transferred when the time comes. 

Without deliberate action on where your digital assets should go and how to access them, you may be setting your heirs for legal trouble. You should be clear about the technical accessibility and the legal ramifications of the matter. As financial experts recommend, it is ideal to make at least two copies of asset records and store them in separate locations. Updating the lists of your accumulated assets on a weekly basis may be necessary. 

From a legal perspective, there are laws that allow executors to manage their digital assets in a similar way to how they might manage traditional assets. This could be helpful for executors, especially those who have the urge to sell off the crypto assets immediately. It can prevent them from feeling the backlash from heirs if the assets drop in value over time. 

While applicable laws are catching up with crypto estate planning, there is always room for growth. The jurists are becoming better versed in such digital assets, and courts may become more inundated. As a result, judges may need to be more educated and aware of what to examine when these assets become an issue of limitations. 

What Crypto Asset Means for Estate Plan? 

Cryptocurrencies may become part of family wealth and, therefore, present complex challenges to securing, transferring, and gifting it to possible beneficiaries or heirs. And ironically, there are various elements of traditional estate planning that are rendered obsolete in the realm of digital assets. Nevertheless, there are evolving strategies to meet the needs of the growing space of digital assets.

According to the CEO of the first financial institution in the U.S. to offer a comprehensive digital asset wealth management platform, estate planning may not, at first, appear compatible with the decentralised platform of cryptocurrency. The idea of entrusting the private keys to crypto-assets to someone else goes against the principle of self-sovereign assets, as explained. 

Generally, seasoned investors are seeking asset diversification by purchasing cryptocurrency. They may as well seek to formalise a plan for their assets in case of illness or death. For the new players with smaller amounts of crypto investment, digital asset estate planning may not be the top priority. However, this decision may leave possibly substantial assets vulnerable to being lost without the benefit of the recovery. 

Why is Having an Estate Plan Important? 

Some ordinary individuals don’t find any reason to make their own estate plans. This is probably due to the fact that their wealth is not large enough. What they don’t know is that no matter the amount, estate planning is important to ensure that their loved ones can receive their assets after their death. 

Once you go through this process, you might need the assistance of an estate planning attorney, especially if there are legal matters to resolve. Make sure that you clarify everything with your lawyer so that you understand the outcomes of your plan. When you look for this professional, it is much favourable to choose the one that demonstrates a high-level of commitment, and you feel comfortable discussing personal matters. 


Cryptocurrency holdings should be considered when making an estate plan. You never know what will happen in the coming days, weeks, or months—being prepared for the inevitable means anticipating them right at the outset. Likewise, your loved ones deserve to know these crypto-assets exist, where to find them and what to do with them. This will help avoid disastrous scenarios for your family’s legacy, as much as your wealth is concerned. If you need some legal assistance, you might contact a qualified professional in your area. 

Also, bear in mind that this investment is highly risky, and you need to be tolerant of the risks involved.