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The Newest Fitness Craze Enhancing Strength, Endurance, and Mental Well-being

This workout style has swiftly emerged as one of the leading fitness trends in 2024. If you’ve been observant lately, you’ve likely noticed a surge in individuals trekking or hiking outdoors with a weighted load on their backs.

So, what exactly is rucking, and what advantages does it offer? Let’s delve into it.

What is rucking?

“Rucking involves walking or hiking while carrying a weighted backpack or rucksack,” explains Jackson Anderson, a PT at Juniper.

“The amount of weight added to the backpack can vary based on your fitness level and objectives, but typically, beginners start with around 5-10% of their total body weight.

“The concept originates from military training regimens where soldiers traverse long distances carrying heavy packs. Its appeal has broadened due to its simplicity, effectiveness, and adaptability.”

What are the benefits of rucking?

From enhancing muscle strength to boosting endurance and promoting mental well-being, ramping up the intensity of your walks with added weight provides numerous advantages:

Cardiovascular fitness

If you’re seeking a fresh approach to incorporate cardio into your fitness routine, rucking is an excellent choice. It “enhances your cardiovascular endurance by elevating your heart rate while walking with additional weight.”

Strength and muscle endurance

Rucking constitutes a comprehensive workout, engaging various muscle groups from your upper body to your lower limbs.

“The added weight in the backpack challenges your muscles, particularly those in the legs, back, and core, fostering strength and endurance over time,” Jackson notes.

Furthermore, it aids in posture improvement by activating your shoulder and upper back muscles, pulling them backward as you walk.

Calorie burn

According to Jackson, “Rucking can effectively burn calories. The heavier the backpack and the longer the distance, the more calories you’re likely to expend.”

As it builds strength while torching calories, rucking proves beneficial for individuals undergoing a body recomposition journey.

Low-impact exercise

“Unlike running or other high-impact workouts, rucking is generally gentler on the joints, making it suitable for individuals of all fitness levels,” he elucidates.

Moreover, rucking bolsters bone health and density while enhancing balance, making it an excellent workout option for older adults.

Mental resilience

“Rucking also poses a mental challenge as you navigate through discomfort and fatigue, fostering mental toughness and resilience,” Jackson explains.

Moreover, it gets you outdoors, known to reduce stress levels and uplift mood.

How to start rucking:-

  1. Begin with light loads

“Commence with a lighter weight in your backpack, around three to five kilograms, and gradually increase it as you develop strength and endurance,” suggests Jackson.

“Initiate with shorter distances, starting from 10 to 15 minutes, and gradually extend it as you gain confidence.”

  1. Opt for appropriate gear

“While specialized rucking gear isn’t mandatory, selecting the right backpack is crucial, particularly when starting with lighter weights.

“Ensure it features a waist strap to minimize movement and evenly distribute the load. Initially, you can use heavy books, bottled water, hand weights, or other household items.”

  1. Maintain proper form

“Maintain good posture while rucking, keeping your back straight and shoulders pulled back, and walk at a steady pace. This aids in even weight distribution and reduces the risk of back strain.”

Additional tips to bear in mind: Warm-up adequately: Always kick off with a five to ten-minute warm-up to prep your muscles and joints. Stay hydrated: Hydrate sufficiently before, during, and after your ruck. Listen to your body: If you encounter any discomfort or pain, take a break and rest. Set goals: Whether it’s distance, duration, or weight, setting achievable goals can keep you motivated and track your progress.

“Rucking is a straightforward yet efficacious form of exercise that offers a myriad of health and fitness benefits,” Jackson emphasizes.

“Whether you aim to bolster cardiovascular fitness, enhance strength and endurance, or simply relish the outdoors, rucking stands as a versatile and accessible option worth exploring.

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