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Wyangala Dam Misses Federal Funding, But Millions Will Be Spent on Improving Flood Warning System

There is still no federal funding available for one of New South Wales’ most expensive water security projects.

Expansion plans for the Wyangara Dam near Cowra in the central west state have been underway for three and a half years.

when announced, Federal and NSW governments agreed to share costswhich was estimated at $650 million.

But the latest federal budget does not include funding for the project.

It said the $19.1 million Wyangala dam wall lifting and another water project for 2026-2027 will be postponed.

The government said final decisions on these projects will be made once the plans are complete.

“In some ways it’s not surprising that they’re logging it, but it’s a bit of a shock,” said Tom Green of Lachlan Valley Water, a group of irrigators.

“Why don’t we at least look through the planning hoops to see if the project works as we believe it will?

“If you don’t fund the plan, you won’t get the answer.

“We can only assume it was remanded back to the New South Wales government to make a decision.”

Forbes irrigation official Tom Green says there is a lot of dissatisfaction among farmers.()

The Federal Labor Office first revealed in its October 2022 “mini-budget” that it is deferring federal funding for the project.

At the time, the government said it would reconsider the donation once the business case was completed.

was Scheduled for completion in 2021 And the timeline for its completion has been repeatedly pushed back.

Some of the delays are due to COVID-19 and massive flooding along the Lachlan River in 2022.

Completing the business case

ABC has revealed that the NSW government will start reviewing the final business case this month.

The upgrade is being touted as a way to increase water safety and mitigate the effects of flooding.()

“It’s great that it’s been submitted and I look forward to the New South Wales Government considering the project,” Green said.

“But it is difficult for the federal government to defer funding.”

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-10/federal-budget-wyangala-dam-flood-warning-systems/102322528 Wyangala Dam Misses Federal Funding, But Millions Will Be Spent on Improving Flood Warning System

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