Home Business How to increase sales with an ideal presentation of construction materials

How to increase sales with an ideal presentation of construction materials


For people who decide to remodel home spaces or start construction from scratch, there are many factors that they must consider and, among them, one of the most important are the construction materials and the central points of each room such as the floors, tiles and paint, for example.

On the opposite side are those companies dedicated to the sale of construction materials because they have the difficult task of attracting new customers and maintaining the loyalty of those who have already tried their products. Companies know what the value of a given item is and that this can change depending on the way it is presented to them. An appropriate tile display system can significantly improve sales and, at the same time, improve the users’ shopping experience.

Recommendations for users to choose a specific construction materials company

Stores have the difficult task of looking for innovative ways to attract customers so that they decide to purchase the products when they visit the business.

Communicate what makes the company different

The construction industry is currently very competitive. For this reason, it is important to highlight the factors that make a company unique and that provide added value, such as, for example, the online sales service that is all the rage in all areas and that customers value positively because they can buy at any time and from the comfort of your home. To this can be added the transportation service for materials, advice for home renovations, training for professionals, events, product testing, providing a showroom with tile displays for showrooms, after-sales services and facilities when it comes to pay.

Communication channels with clients

Customers can access a company through different media and each of them can take advantage of the opportunity in those channels. A company profile on Google is a good starting idea because this enhances your presence on the Internet and customers can easily locate it thanks to maps. You can add important information such as work days and hours, contact information, and add photographs or links to the website. Another important point is to investigate the communication channels that customers use such as social networks and what they intend to receive through them. Companies can hold raffles on social networks, publish notices about the products that are on promotion, upload videos about what they are selling and show interviews with professionals in the field, among other options.

Appropiate business aesthetics

It is important to take care of the exterior of the business because this says a lot. It is recommended that the design of the facade be designed according to the values ​​of the firm and that a little color be added to the posters so that they stand out from the rest. The ideal is that the establishment can differentiate itself thanks to its logo or posters.

The importance of innovative systems for the exhibition of construction materials

Construction companies want to provide a different, fluid and simple purchasing experience. This involves selling high-quality building materials but, simultaneously, finding tools so customers can imagine what their space will look like before purchasing them.                   Technology is growing at overwhelming pace and has become a valuable tool to assist in shopping experiences. A clear example is the I.RIS system: this is an intelligent and virtual system for a company to digitize the exhibition of materials, creating an immersive experience.This innovative system is patented by INSCA. This is a company specialized in display solutions for construction materials that demonstrates quality and a premium experience for customers.  I.RIS allows people to visualize the final spaces and know all the technical information in real time. There are two types: V01, whose operation is done through sensors applicable to drawer units for the exhibition of tiles and V02 with a scanner that is integrated into the shelves and technical benches for the exhibition of samples. The latest model allows you to scan a code and the space and necessary information appears on the screen as a result of the sensor integrated into the furniture. In addition, this tool has a remote control with different buttons that allows for faster purchasing decisions. Each button has a different function that allows you to go back to the previous image, pause images, explore the catalog of the most searched images or add favorites, among others.  If companies choose comfortable, innovative and practical systems that provide customers with ease when purchasing construction materials and they manage to differentiate themselves from the rest, customers will choose them for these same reasons and will remain loyal every time they need to make purchases of construction materials this guy.

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