Home Education Effective communication tips for students with peers

Effective communication tips for students with peers


A developed communication skill is a real treasure for absolutely anyone. It does not matter who you are by profession, psychological type, or zodiac sign. The ability to communicate is a basic skill for a full and productive life. Not only that but also research paper writing service is extremely useful for students. This service can greatly improve students’ academic performance.

The well-known division of people into extroverts and introverts, according to many, assumes, first of all, the sociability of the former and the isolation of the latter. However, this is not the case. There are very talkative introverts and silent extroverts. So the personality type has absolutely nothing to do with it, and you should not refer to it, justifying the inability to build relationships with people.

Like any other, a communication skill can be acquired and developed if you practice constantly. For some, it is not difficult, and someone has to overcome a lot of obstacles: shyness, isolation, and fear of saying or doing something wrong.

If the problem is serious, up to social phobia, it is hardly possible to cope with your efforts here. We need the help of a psychologist who will understand the causes of fear.

What do good communication skills mean?

Who is called sociable? You’ve probably met such people. They are inherent in:

  • The ability to easily converse with people.
  • The skill of maintaining a conversation.
  • The ability to have a long-term relationship.
  • The ability to defend your point of view.
  • Ability to resolve conflict situations.

The paradox is that the ability to communicate is influenced not only by personal characteristics but also by the situation in which we are located. For example, at school, you are afraid to say too much, and when communicating with a close friend or girlfriend, your mouth just won’t close.

This means that your communication skill is more developed in one aspect than in another. Let’s say you communicate with your peers quite calmly, but you don’t know how to communicate constructively with people older than you. Or you get along well with people of your sex, and the opposite makes you want to hide under the table.

How to build constructive communication with classmates, colleagues, and friends?

Please note that we perceive other people and draw conclusions about their character based on behavior within the prescribed roles (parent, teacher, friend, boss, etc.). Whether this is correct or not is another question. But that is how it works.

For example, if a teacher is strict and demanding with us, we consider him to be a tough and uncooperative person in general. And if a friend is responsive to us and is always ready to help, we can’t even assume that as a student or employee he is a real jerk.

This feature simply needs to be taken into account for the development of communication skills. So, let’s go.

Tip 1. Behave according to the status you want to gain in the group.

Other people perceive us exactly as we show ourselves in relation to them personally.

Do you want to be a darling? Be friendly and responsive, treat everyone who addresses you with great attention. Communicate politely and be friendly, help people if you see that they need it.

Do you want to gain the status of a leader? Then you need to learn how to take responsibility for other people, solve public issues, take the initiative and lead everyone. This is a completely different level of communication. The leader is always a little on the sidelines, but at the same time, he is included in the life of the team and respected by all its members.

Do you want to be known as a humorist in the good sense of the word? Great, your classmates are in a good mood! Make jokes, joke and you will definitely be invited to all university events.

Tip 2. When conflict situations arise, try to evaluate the circumstances first, and only then the behavior of other people.

Following this rule will allow you to avoid quarrels within the group.

Let’s say someone was rude to you, snapped back, answered sharply. Don’t rush to take it personally. It is not known why the person did this. Perhaps he is outraged by something, tired, someone has offended him. Give him a little time, perhaps he will come up, apologize and explain his behavior.

This moment is extremely important for further communication. It can become a starting point for both a new friendship and a lifelong enmity (if you react negatively to the situation).

Tip 3. Think well of people.

Oddly enough, this rule is the most difficult to fulfill — so strong are the social attitudes in each of us about people with a lifestyle that is not close to us. We easily agree that we need to respect someone else’s opinion, but in fact, we do not particularly strive for this.

People tend to evaluate “by looks” — it’s not a secret. Otherwise, where do the prejudices against blondes, people with tattoos, men with well-groomed hands, and other nonsense come from? If something in a person’s appearance seems suspicious to us, a negative attitude towards him is immediately formed in our head, which manifests itself in communication.

This needs to be fought. Treat a person as if you don’t know anything about him at all. It doesn’t matter what he looks like. Perhaps the dirt on his sleeve is the result of a fall on the way to school and not a consequence of a marginal lifestyle.

This approach will allow you to find if not friends, then at least friends who will keep you company on a walk, help with your studies if necessary, or simply support you in a difficult situation.

Therefore, building good relations with people is much more useful than shutting them off in every possible way.

Tip 4. Don’t forget about your boundaries.

No matter how wonderful the relationships with peers would be, never forget that you are alone at home, and you should not put your life on the altar of someone else’s well-being.

In any team, there are necessarily manipulators who are accustomed to using others. They deftly find the victim and try to get her time and attention with all sorts of techniques. For example, you will not notice how you will begin to fulfill all your educational tasks, household requests, or endlessly lend money to the “unfortunate destitute” for food.

You may even think that you are doing well. But there is nothing good in such communication. You are not a good fellow, but a victim of a manipulator who sat on his neck and dangled his legs. As soon as you refuse him anything, he will immediately pout and accuse you of a lack of compassion.

Such attempts should be stopped immediately and not make concessions. You also need to understand that a person acts unconsciously, so any attempts to explain his position to him are useless.

To learn to communicate freely with peers, you need to be aware of all current trends, read a lot, and participate in joint events. But where to find time if studying mercilessly takes it away from you? Don’t worry! You can find cheap services on Reddit that will help you cope with the tasks. As a result, you will have enough time not only for studying but also for hobbies and personal life.