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How to study hard and stay healthy?


Education is important, but health is valuable too. So, we tell you how to be in good conditions by easy tips.

Make education easier


Use different services which can help youto do useless work. For example, paper corrector.


Healthy sleep


Atleast 7 hoursofsleep a nightwillhelpavoiddiabetes, cardiovasculardisease, stroke, highbloodpressure, weightgainandobesity, immunesystemdisorders, mentalhealth, depression. Notethatyoungpeopleandpeoplewithchronicdiseasesshouldsleep 8-10 hoursofsleep a day, andchildrenofallages – from 9 to 17 hours.


Balanced nutrition


Your health and life expectancy depend on what and how you eat.

The main principles of healthy eating:

  • control of food calories and weight;
  • daily consumption of useful products from different groups (vegetables and legumes; fruits and berries; whole grains; lean meat and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds; milk, yogurt, cheese, mostly with moderate fat content);
  • less salt, sugar and fat;

The optimal diet (breakfast during the first time after getting up, lunch and dinner no later than three hours before bedtime; the interval between main meals does not exceed three and a half – four hours; during the day one or two snacks).

In addition, we recommend drinking plenty of fluids. The fluid intake per day for an adult is 4% of total body weight, ie 2800 – 3000 ml / day at a weight of 70-75 kg. A person can satisfy the need for fluid by consuming only water. But there are other sources of fluids – liquid foods, foods and beverages. Keep in mind that the indicators of fluid demand are influenced by various factors – individual characteristics, level of physical activity and ambient temperature. The main signal and controller of fluid intake is a feeling of thirst.


Active life


Just 30 minutes of exercise a day will significantly reduce the risk of stroke, diabetes and cancer, prolong life and quality of life, improve mood and self-esteem. The intensity and duration of training should increase gradually under the supervision of your doctor.


Even outside of training, be active: go up the stairs, not the elevator, go to work on foot or at least get to a stop earlier, walk in the park and more. Experts recommend sitting or lying down for no longer than 4.5 hours a day (of course, we do not take into account night sleep). If you work sitting, then take breaks and five-minute warm-ups during the working day.


Do not smoking


Cigarette smoke that fills indoor spaces contains more than 4,000 chemicals, of which at least 250 are harmful and more than 50 cause cancer. From the first day of quitting cigarettes, your body will begin to recover, and the risks of diseases associated with smoking will decrease.




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