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Bourns continue to show their identity

“I am also a descendent of Captain Bourn Russell (C8), via his first and illegitimate son William Bourn Russell Watson, and have been to at least two of the places in Japan Captain Russell visited in Lady Rowena,” says Malcolm Russell Watson of Swansea. “On the island of Hachijo-jima we were treated to tea and boiled potatoes, so I reckoned I also got water and vegetables as did Captain Russell. I did, however, refrain from burning any villages on Hokkaido.”

“Many local convict descendants will not be surprised to learn the British government has rebranded their ‘convict hulks’ as ‘floating hostels’,” suspects Ian Nicholls of Baulkham Hills.

“I thought my mother was the only one with the genius idea of adding Vegemite to casseroles (C8),” says Nick Bencsik of Hunters Hill. “It certainly gives a much better flavour and texture than plain old beef stock. Try it and see!”

Like Allan Cowley (C8), Kim Reed of Dee Why sampled the beer and clamato juice coupler when in Canada: “I think it was called a Red Eye. Sounds appalling now but in our mid-20s we enjoyed it. That said, I’m not sure my current more mature (senior) palate would agree.”

From Cowley, the bloke, to Cowley, the community. Dave Lewington of Heathcote noticed that Susan Bradley grew up in Cowley, England (C8) and recalls that almost anyone who was born and grew up in Cowley worked at the Morris car manufacturers [or learned the tuba – Granny]. “My wife was born in Cowley and whenever mentioned is asked was it on the early morning Monday shift or the late afternoon Friday shift?”

Further to the neighbourhood namesakes discussion, Robyn Lewis of Raglan knew of an Albert Lam who lived in Lake Albert Road, Lake Albert and perhaps, jumping the shark somewhat, Al Wetten of Scarborough reminds us that “I live near the sea.” Meanwhile, John Bailey of Canterbury wonders if there are any Ashleys in Ashbury “and if so, do Peter Miniutti and Con Vaitsas know them?”

It’s not a suburb but it’s too good to leave out. Lynne Fairy of Lewisham “once knew a woman called Allison, who lived in Wonderland Avenue in Coogee”.

“My daughter, Hilary, managed to get Wordle (number 537) on the first try – on her birthday,” writes Peter Johnson of Hunters Hill. “What made it even more memorable is that the word was ‘Happy’.”


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https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/bourns-continue-to-show-their-identity-20230810-p5dvdc.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_national_nsw Bourns continue to show their identity

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