Home Education How to achieve a teacher’s loyalty

How to achieve a teacher’s loyalty


The first year is one of the most important years of every student’s life. It is the year when students get to know the university, take their first session, and earn a reputation. Therefore, it is important not only to build relationships with classmates but also to gain the trust of teachers. How to do it right? In this article, we will share useful tips on how to earn the respect of teachers, and tell you why you should do it at all.

How to earn a teacher’s trust: useful tips

How do you achieve trust and find an approach to your teacher? There are many ways to help you cope with this task.

Speak to the teacher by the name 

How to achieve the trust of any person? Call him by his name.

This is a psychological technique, which helps to win the trust of people. After all, it is believed that the name of a person is a kind of code that helps to reach the person, to show its importance and significance. Teachers, first of all, are people who are not strangers to anything human. Therefore, the main rule of communication with teachers is always to address them by name. This way you attract attention, you will be remembered and you show respect.

Be on time for lectures 

It seems like, well, what’s the big deal if you’re a little late for a lecture? Especially if you are a girl, and you treat your studies like a date? However, punctuality is not only a sign of a good upbringing but also respect for others. And first of all – to the teacher. Believe us, any teacher will not calmly look at perpetually late students, so write out a schedule of lectures, numbers of classrooms and come on time.

Taking notes 

Taking notes during a lecture is not only useful for learning, but also for forming relationships with teachers. Teachers are always pleased when students follow their words and take notes. It’s a sign of student engagement and active thought work. To avoid your notes becoming a jumble of phrases taken out of context, learn how to take notes wisely. You can do this by learning special techniques and developing your system of abbreviations.

Be active in lectures and seminars

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, who lived in the ancient era, said that it is important to learn how to ask questions and learn the art of dialogue. Modern teachers share this simple and clear idea, and therefore expect students to be active in lectures and especially in practical classes. So don’t be afraid to ask questions, especially if you don’t understand something. The teacher will see the genuine interest, help to understand, and note an active student. This means that on the test or exam, he or she will remember how you performed in the class and will be sympathetic if something goes wrong.

Attend extra classes 

Teachers often give pre-consultations and tutorials before tests and exams. If you want to gain their trust and ensure a high score, you should attend the consultations. Typically, at pre-consultation, teachers not only give useful information and tell you how the exam will run, but they also memorize the most active students. So take advantage of the opportunity and don’t skip the extra classes.

Make sure you hand over your papers on time

How can you ruin a good reputation and lose the trust of your teacher? Not to pass an essay, test, term paper, or thesis on time and not even to warn about a problem. So always keep an eye on the dates, work on a written project regularly and systematically, and warn your supervisor if something goes wrong. Besides, you can always buy a term paper if you can’t meet the deadline for some reason.

To be honest and keep an open mind 

Sometimes every student faces difficulties and gets into ridiculous situations:

  • being late for classes;
  • forgetting to prepare for a practical lesson;
  • procrastinates on deadlines for final papers;
  • misses tests or exams.

Whatever happens, the main thing – be honest and do not lie. After all, you can find a way out of any situation: negotiate a retake, shift deadlines, come to the lecture with another group. But deception can cost respect, because even the most convincing lie will sooner or later come out, and then the teacher will no longer trust you.