Home Sydney Anti-Ageing Secrets for the Décolletage with PRP & PRF

Anti-Ageing Secrets for the Décolletage with PRP & PRF


Sun damage occurs when harmful UV rays damagetheskin. The biggest areas affectedare the décolletage and neck. Sun exposure and premature ageing are very common in theseareas. These are also very common areaswhere skin cancers usually develop. Due to greater exposure to sunlight, these areas are especially vulnerable to ageing and horizontal necklace lines are formed as a result of the powerful neck band muscles.

We talk alot about the skin on our faces, and not enough about the skin on the neck. Wrinkly neck and decolletage are common ageing concerns. It’s just as important to keep our necks energetic and wrinkle-free as elsewhere on our bodies. Sun damage, especially repetitive intense bursts of UV rays, can result in skin discoloration and visible blood vessels.

Naturally occurring collagen gives skin its structure and keeps it smooth and firm. However, this essential protein breaks down as we age, resulting in crepey, drooping skin with fine lines and wrinkles.

In addition to washing your décolletage twice a day, you should think about using an exfoliating cream or mask a few times per week on your neck and chest.This can help remove dead skin cells. You can also try serums and moisturisers. Normally, hyaluronic acidcontaining moisturiser or serum is applied to the décolletage area to improve skin moisture, as these can reduce the visibility of wrinkles, enhance skin hydration, firmness, and elasticity, and keep skin appearing firm and young. Excessive sun exposure can harm your skin and raise your risk of developing skin cancer, so daily use of broad-spectrum sunscreen is essential to protect against these potential problems.

To prevent and treat ageing symptoms in the neck and décolletage areasuch as wrinkles, a double chin, weakened contours, sagging skin, pigment spots, redness, etc., Hair and Skin Science PRP Hair Loss Treatment & Skin Clinics in Melbourne & Sydneyoffer affordable PRP / PRF treatmentsfor your neck and décolletage. This extraordinary process can penetrate deeply to boost collagen formation in your skin.

Regular sessions of natural PRP /PRF therapies can give you amazing results. These therapies not only effectively reduce age spots and freckles but can also provide smoothing, tightening, and moisturising over the skin.

Your neck is just the beginning of your skin care regimen. Your neck and chest region, which make up your décolletage, merit the same level of care and consideration as other parts of your body. Try to plan activities that will allow you to remain in the shade before venturing outside. By doing this, you can take advantage of the great outdoors without being exposed to the sun’s UV rays. Apply sunscreen to your décolletage as well for added protection.

PRP is a platelet-rich plasma, which is an autologous plasma solution that has 4–7 times the normal concentration of human platelets. To reduce wrinkles, platelet-rich plasma has become increasingly popular and frequently utilised in face rejuvenation procedures. PRP uses micro-needling which might be more successful with the inclusion of the blood.

Similarly, PRF stands for platelet-rich fibrin which is a natural supplement that can help with a variety of issues, including the texture, thickness, and radiance of your skin. In contrast to PRP, which needs additional anticoagulants to keep the plasma from clotting, PRF does not. Because there are no additional substances used in PRF, just your fibrin, it is the most natural procedure currently accessible. Platelet Rich Fibrin stimulates cellular renewal and enhances the smoothness and flexibility of the skin by utilising the healing capabilities of your platelets with the cure of pigmentation.

If you are looking for PRP & PRF for neck or décolletage don’t hesitate in reaching out to us and book your free consultation with our experts    https://www.hairandskinscience.com.au/