Home Sydney 10 Tips for Writing a Conclusion for an Essay

10 Tips for Writing a Conclusion for an Essay


If you are writing an essay, you need to think about its conclusion in advance. This part of an essay helps a teacher judge how well you understand the topic and how good your work is. Some people write half-phrase sentences, hoping that everything is clear anyway. But it is not so. That is why everyone should know how to write a conclusion in an essay.

How to Write a Strong Conclusion for Your Essay

Teachers pay great attention to the introduction and conclusion of essays. Human psychology is arranged so that it is best to remember what was said at the very beginning and the end. A strong final part can brighten up even the worst work. What do you need to know about this?

  1. First, finish writing the introduction and the main part of the work, and then proceed to the conclusion.
  2. If you didn’t manage to reveal the topic of the essay fully, correct it.
  3. Write down your main thoughts and ideas in a draft.
  4. You have to be well-versed in what is written. Read your notes and summarize them.
  5. It is necessary to write down the conclusions and focus on the most important thing in the essay to sum up the whole work.
  6. Be sure to follow a logical sequence. In addition to summing up, the author should express their position and attitude to the problem under consideration.
  7. The volume of the conclusion shouldn’t exceed the volume of the main part. If you have a large enough conclusion, it is advisable to shorten it and remove unnecessary information.
  8. A conclusion that is more original and creative is highly valued. After all, you are expressing your position, so make it attractive so that the reader is interested in your work.
  9. The simplicity of presentation will benefit in any case, whether it is an essay or a scientific work.
  10. If you have used a particularly relevant phrase in your work, you can mention it again in the output. So, you show the logical completeness of your essay.

If you follow all of the above requirements and don’t miss any of them, the essay will not cause questions from the teacher.

Examples and Clichés You Can Use

Throughout an essay, don’t be afraid to use clichés. They will help in all parts: they will preserve the logic and the sequence of thoughts. Also, it simplifies the work of employers. Clichés can be quite voluminous and help with word shortages and much more. The use of clichés in the exam is very welcome.

What is the conclusion:

  • A reminder of the problem raised in the essay;
  • The final statement of your position, for or against the thesis in the introduction;
  • You can refer to the urgency of the problem;
  • You can refer to the insolubility, the eternity of the problem.

Here are some clichés with examples to conclude with:

  1. In conclusion, I would like to say that the <topic name> will always be relevant, but I want to believe that someone will break this vicious circle.
  2. <Topic name> is a terrible crime that can’t be justified. I hope that there will be fewer people who are ready to do this.
  3. I don’t think <topic name> is acceptable in our society. It is extremely bad and unworthy of a good person.
  4. From the foregoing, we can conclude that the problem <topic name> will be relevant for a long time. It belongs to eternal themes.
  5. As a result, I would like to say that <topic name> is a very important quality. It helps a person remain a person and simplifies life.
  6. <Topic name> is the most disgusting quality of a person. It develops to such an extent that it is difficult to discern a person in a creature that possesses it.
  7. The hottest topic of our time is <topic name>. This topic is discussed everywhere, it was also raised earlier, but it was not as acute as it is now.

You don’t have to use exactly the clichés that are given here. You can dilute them with your own words or even write something completely your own, but be careful. Remember that the conclusion is an equally important part of the essay. Its writing must be prepared and taken responsibly. If your conclusions are not clearly formulated, duplicated, and uninteresting, the teacher will reduce the final grade. Therefore, follow all of the above recommendations to write a great conclusion.

While writing an essay, the ending suggests itself. Write thoughtfully, and you will understand for yourself what to write about at the end. Don’t focus only on the conclusion in the essay. If you can’t think of anything, just write a couple of sentences as a summary. Look at examples of essays. There are many of them on the Internet or in books. Then you will understand how others do it. And most importantly, they will be imbued with the described problem or event.

Writing an essay is creative work that requires a lot of time, concentration, awareness of the topic, and a certain talent for writing. If you don’t have the opportunity to postpone personal matters or it is not possible to create a really interesting essay due to lack of inspiration, then you shouldn’t torment yourself and risk an assessment.

You can order help in preparing an essay on any topic from DoMyEssay experts. An experienced linguist from the company will creatively approach the task and, based on experience and competent philological knowledge, will create a good story. The writer will write an essay for you taking into account the specifics of the subject area. It doesn’t matter whether it is a short essay on the specified topic or a voluminous work. It will be done within the specified time frame. So, you can find an online helper 24/7 on the site.